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伊斯兰堡是他的选区之一。Islamabad is part of his constituency.

Jay-Z则针对非常不同的选民。Jay-Z speaks to a very different constituency.

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那里的选民只信任不贪杯的官员。A constituency there trusts only sober officials.

雅皮士简直是尤伯罗斯天生的追随者。The yuppies are Ueberroth's natural constituency.

这是一个大选区,下设三个分区。It was a big constituency divided into three wards.

本人已登记为地方选区的选民。I am a registered elector for a geographical constituency.

他被选为北方工业选区之一的代表。He represented one of the northern industrial constituency.

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本人已登记为地方选区的选民。I am a registered elector for the geographical constituency.

只有关于委员界别的资料。Information relating to the constituency of the members only.

这家商店似乎单为一批富有的顾客而开。This shop seems to be open solely for a wealthy constituency.

所有签署人士必须已登记为海心选区的选民。All the subscribers must be registered electors of the Hoi Sham constituency.

所有提名人必须是已登记为景田选区的选民。All the subscribers must be registered electors for the King Tin constituency.

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为了实现他当总统的野心,他还竭力吁请一个犹太人选区的帮助。He also sought to appeal to a Jewish constituency for his Presidential ambitions.

当然我们的关系并不像我与位于英格兰东北部的赛奇费尔德我的老选民那样亲密无间。OK, it wasn't like my old constituency in Sedgefield in the northeast of England.

艾德礼先生在选举前一天时在沃尔瑟姆雷斯特西部选区。Mr Attlee was in his constituency of West Walthamstow the day before the election.

卡梅伦回送给奥巴马一瓶他所在的选区产的一种叫做“淘气鬼”的啤酒。Cameron reciprocated with a brew local to his Witney constituency called Hobgoblin.

正如人们常说的,没有选民会选择严把预算开支。It is true that, as is often noted, there is no constituency for budget discipline.

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这造就了一种悄无声息的变化,没有人提出警告。That created a big constituency in favor of a dumb change. There was little warning.

所有提名人必须是已登记为鸭洲北选区的选民。All the subscribers must be registered electors for the Ap Lei Chau North constituency.

所有签署提名人士必须是已登记为有关田湾选区的选民。All the subscribers must be registered electors for the Tin Wan constituency concerned.