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喷气机确实在射程以内。The jet was in range.

线夹适用范围广。Wide application range.

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你能告诉我一个大体范围吗?Can you tell me a range?

采样限制超出范围。Sample limits out of range.

民间艺术包罗甚广。Folk art covers a wide range.

模数的范围必须为正。Modulo range must be positive.

传播范围大约是1公尺。This has a range of about 1-m.

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求射程的方法是什么What's the strategy for range?

这就是射击场。And this is the shooting range.

这瓦斯炉只有两个瓦斯头。Gas is escaping from the range.

颜色是怎样被划定范围的?How should be the colour range?

这里的物价是什么水平?What about the price range here?

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不执行加油任务的航程为11,500英里。Unrefueled range is 11,500 miles.

它的积分域是什么?What is the range of integration?

他的阅读面很广。His reading is of very wide range.

贵司薪资预算范围是什么?What is the budgeted salary range?

潮差昼夜变化在0.67米左右。Diurnal tidal range of 0.67 meters.

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恶徒攻击范围由6恢复至5。Hellion range reverted from 6 to 5.

他的音域不断变化,而且十分宽广。His range is very dynamic and wide.

其质量范围扩展到1050质量单位。Mass range to 1050 u being but one.