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他清了清嗓子。He cleared his throat.

哈斯塔清了清嗓子。Hastur cleared his throat.

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他们清了清嗓子。They cleared their throats.

他的伤风现已好转。His cold has cleared up now.

然而骑行澄澈了我的头脑。Then biking cleared my head.

时,应装上顶针板导柱。Guide pin cleared and vented?

他挣得的钱刚够开支。He just cleared the expenses.

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一会儿云开雾散。The clouds soon cleared away.

船已驶出海峡。The ship cleared the straits.

他被洗脱所有指控的罪名。He was cleared of all charges.

地上的树已清除。The land was cleared of trees.

这位跳高选手越过了2.40米。The jumper cleared 2.40 metres.

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泥水慢慢地变清澈了。The muddy water cleared slowly.

此船结关后离开香港。The ship cleared from Hongkong.

这些对象被清除和加入队列。These are cleared and enqueued.

街机模式下完成第10关。Cleared Stage 10 in Arcade mode.

我们的行李已通过海关检查。Our baggage has cleared customs.

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那匹马越过了所有的障碍物。The horse cleared all the jumps.

这艘船由香港开出。The ship cleared from Hong Kong.

太阳已经升出了地平线。The sun had cleared the horizon.