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在微机房发电子邮件.PC room-at e-mail sent.

系统上位机软件采用。PC software is made up on.

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我在一家电脑公司管事。I work for a pc compa freey.

不要扔掉你的旧电脑。Don’t throw away your old PC.

简化电脑产品线。Simplify your PC product line.

我在一家电脑公司作事。I work for a pc compa new goody.

客厅里有一台电脑。There is a pc in the livingroom.

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我在一家电脑公司职责。I work for a pc compa wonderfuly.

个人电脑变成了唤起情欲的地带。The PC becomes an erogenous zone.

把文件下载到本地PCDownload this file to your local PC

更妙的是,新增无线PC同步Even Better, Add Wireless PC Syncing

只有一个客户端电脑是可以控制的。Only one client PC can be controlled.

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我们的方法是,我们使得个人电脑变得容易。Our approach is, we made the PC easy.

下次同步会从手持设备复制数据到PC。Next HotSync will copy Handheld to PC.

它装饰您的桌面使用的墙纸下载兵。Use a video as a wallpaper on your PC.

介绍了一种基于PC的语图仪。A spectrogram based on PC is presented.

对个人机用户来说,压缩文件是可执行的。For PC users, the files are executable.

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我是一面飘摇的旗子,我总想在风中找一个适当的点停下来。I am a pc of flag flying with the wind.

请等待您的电脑为我的回应。Please wait by your PC for my response.

您的电脑是否启动和运行缓慢?Your PC is slow in boot-up and running?