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“为日本微笑”正是这个手办的主题。"Smile for Japan" is the catchphrase for the figure!

后来在反全球化运动中一度成为热门词汇。The expression also became a catchphrase of the anti-globalization movement.

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我不仅对她的优秀感到痴迷,现在我又多了一句最喜欢的名言警句。Not only was I entranced by her awesomeness, but I now have a new favorite catchphrase.

因此,宝马方面打出了“高效-动力”的醒目标语,以此来形容他们对于协调两者所做出的努力。They use the catchphrase “EfficientDynamics” to describe their efforts to reconcile the two.

他是用班主任们建议的句子开头的——“嗨,阿布得,什么是好的?”It opened with a catchphrase that had been suggested by the teen advisers—“Hey, Abbud, what's good?

他是用班主任们建议的句子开头的——“嗨,阿布得,什么是好的?”It opened with a catchphrase that had been suggested by the teen advisers—"Hey, Abbud, what's good?"

对一些人来说,参加“绿色之旅”是很变得必要。“负责任的旅游者”已经成为现今社会的一种口号。For some people, participating in 'green travel' comes naturally. 'Responsible tourism' has become a catchphrase of the modern world.

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要罐子这些想法,威克曼说,他们搭配一个古怪的新口号野人图书馆图书馆用户戏剧性的照片。To jar those thoughts, Wickman says they paired dramatic photographs of library users with a quirky new catchphrase Geek the Library.

米勒说,这首无处不在的歌曲“一种爱”已经使马利革命性的观念沦落成了牙加买旅游产业的一个标语了。According to Miller, the ubiquitous "One Love" has reduced Marley's revolutionary message to a catchphrase for Jamaica's tourist industry.

席尔瓦反复地说,“是的,我们可以”,而这正是奥巴马当初的竞选标语。Silva repeatedly said, "Yes we can," which was Obama's campaign catchphrase and apparently what the Brazilian president had in mind while his team trailed.

帕丽斯・希尔顿也表示,自己用MySpace博客同粉丝们交流。Hotel heiress and film and TV actress Paris Hilton, 27, whose favorite catchphrase is "That's hot," said she uses her MySpace page to communicate with fans.

这条微博瞬间引发数万中国网友评论,不少篮球迷试图跟科比解释这个流行语的含义。Thee post immediately drew tens of thousands of comments from Chinese Web users, with some basketball fans trying to explain the catchphrase to the NBA star.

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及至计划结束,由胡先生和温先生一手设计的“和谐社会主义社会”目标,似乎比开始时更加遥远。By the end of the plan period the goal of establishing a “harmonious socialist society”, a favourite catchphrase of Mr Wen’s and Mr Hu’s, appeared even more remote than at the beginning.

——迅速成为愤世嫉俗的热门词汇,用来形容中国的各种腐败形式,成为了中国精英阶层和弱势群体之间差距日益加大的象征。My father is Li Gang!” — quickly became a cynical catchphrase to describe various forms of corruption in China and a symbol of the growing divide between the elite and the underprivileged.

1970年代曾经有一句反动标语,“这代人需要经历一场战争,”虽然这句话里满是可悲的情绪,但从文明进化的角度上说,也许其中的确包含着一些冷冰冰的真知灼见。A reactionary catchphrase of the 1970s used to go, "what this generation needs is a war, " a deplorable sentiment but one that in terms of cultural evolution might sometimes have a germ of cold logic.