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她的舞姿袅娜,富有诗情画意。She danced with poetic grace.

还是说,这只是一句听上去像诗的屁话?Or it was just poetic bullshit?

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李谢诗魂今在否?Li Xie Poetic Spirit this exist?

或者这只是唬人的诗句?。Or was that just poetic bullshit?

哈萨克族是一个诗歌民族。The Kazaks is a poetic nationality.

我的回答是,人有诗心。My answer is that people have poetic heart.

明人“韵”论在两个层面上展开。Mings theory on poetic "rhythm" has two points.

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这就是说,实用语言和诗歌语言并存。That is to say, it coexists with poetic language.

楠竹,一个好听的名字,一个富有诗意的处所.。Nanzhu, a very pleasant name, a very poetic place.

作者弗·司各特·菲茨杰拉德,一位充满诗意的作家。Scott Fitzgerald. Just an absolutely poetic writer.

图上交错的树枝看起来很有诗意。The interlacing branches on the picture look poetic.

这是一个充满诗意的穿越星星和太阳的爱情故事。This is a poetic love story of star -crossed lovers.

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美在非现实性,美就是诗意栖居。Beauty is non-reality. It is being of poetic quality.

李贺诗歌创作具有独特的色彩和风格。LiHes poetic creation has a special colour and style.

它提高了两代人对诗的敏感力。It sharpened the poetic sensibility of two generations.

而当代“诗人”多把诗意片面地理解成文字美。And the more modern "poet" unilaterally the poetic Word.

今天,小编将同大家一起赏读李太白的诗酒人生。Today, I will take you to read the poetic life of Li Po.

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作者弗·司各特·菲茨杰拉德,一位充满诗意的作家。By F. Scott Fitzgerald. Just an absolutely poetic writer.

即便他描述他前女友们的语句都如诗般美好。Even the way he describeshis former girlfriends is poetic.

对的,就该如此,生活本该是彩色,人生本该充满诗意。Right, so shall it be, life is the color, the poetic life.