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圣本笃教堂,室内。St. Benedict Chapel, Interior.

他们推选了一个新的教皇,本笃十六世。They chose a new pope, Benedict XVI.

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教宗说,这很重要。This is significant, Benedict XVI said.

我的故事简直就和教皇本尼迪克特十六世一样。My story is like that of Pope Benedict XVI.

贝内迪克特用他的拐棍又往下指了指。Benedict pointed downwards again with his stick.

最后一张,是一条密苏里河钓上的蒙大拿褐鳟。Missouri River, Montana brown trout. Photo by Jamie Benedict.

圣女贞德终于在1920年由教皇本尼狄克十五世封为圣徒。Joan of Arc was finally canonized by Pope Benedict XV in 1920.

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本笃十六世是在近600年中第一位辞职的教皇。Pope Benedict is the first Pope in nearly 600 years to resign.

像帕特里克先生说,斯图尔特,或者本尼迪克?Someone like Sir Patrick Stewart, say, or Benedict Cumberbatch?

现在,37岁的本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇,准备演一些不那么有智慧的角色。Now, Benedict Cumberbatch, 37, is ready for a less intellectual role.

教皇本笃也呼吁立即结束两国的敌对状态。Pope Benedict XVI also called for an immediate end to the hostilities.

来点本尼迪克特点心还是佛罗伦萨糕点?等等,乔治娅,昨晚我只喝了苏打。Do you want. florentine or benedict?Wait. I was drinking soda, Georgie.

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当“公主”向厨师要更多的班尼迪克煎蛋时,厨师惊讶地差点把盘子丢了。The cook nearly dropped the Egg Benedict whenthe Princess ask for more.

据记载在他当选之前他以其怜悯和好学而著称。Prior to his election, Benedict had a reputation for learning and piety.

属于或关于圣本尼迪克特或他的工作的。A monk or nun belonging to the order founded by Saint Benedict of Nursia.

在一个孩子的耳朵里,母亲这个词在任何语言里都是魔术---阿琳。贝内特。To a child's ear, "mother" is magic in any language. --- Arlene Benedict.

一句道歉并不能挽回一切,本尼迪克特?康伯巴奇也深谙此理。An apology can't fix everything, and Benedict Cumberbatch seems to know that.

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罗马教皇本笃,虽然人在梵蒂冈,但很关心这次信任危机。At the Vatican, Pope Benedict XVI said he was deeply concerned about the crisis.

在耶路撒冷,教皇本笃十六世将写有祷告的卡片插入哭墙的缝隙里。Pope Benedict XVI places a written prayer in the cracks of Jerusalem's Western Wall.

在美国访问的这几天教皇本尼迪克特将经历他个人的两个重要时期。During his trip to the United States Pope Benedict will mark two personal milestones.