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它也不完全是圆形的。Nor is it entirely circular.

至关重要的炮弹总是哑弹。The crucial circular is a dud.

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至关重要的炮弹总是哑弹。The pivotal circular is a dud.

某种程度上这是一个循环推理It's sort of circular reasoning.

什么是匀速圆周运动?What is uniform circular motion?

循环论点都有效。All circular arguments are valid.

经济分析的OMB循环。OMB Circular on Economic Analysis.

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环形码头西边就是岩石区。West of Circular Quay is The Rocks.

想象一下,有个圆轨道Let's imagine it's a circular orbit.

圆度盘则作为显示器。A circular dial serves as the display.

这大概是个循环论证。There may be a circular argument there.

现在我们讲讲匀速圆周运动。Let's now turn to uniform circular motion.

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日志类型,循环或存档。Logging type, either circular or archived.

该梁将弯成一个圆弧。The beam will deflect into a circular arc.

然后用方向键移动雷曼。Then move Rayman with the circular button.

有一个圆形平顶和帽舌的帽子。A cap with a flat circular top and a visor.

这里明显存在一个循环论证的问题。Here there is obviously a circular problem.

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迪杰克说,“在我妈妈的家里就有一个圆形的沙发。”In my mom’s house there’s a circular couch.

从匀速圆周运动来看。Remember, from the uniform circular motion.

在这种情况下,您可以使用循环日志记录。In this case you could use circular logging.