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幸灾乐祸是快乐的事。Schadenfreude is beste Freude.

但那种幸灾乐祸不会持续很久。But that schadenfreude doesn't last long.

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一旁幸灾乐祸的隋玉,也没能幸免,被常安拉了进来。Aside of schadenfreude SuiYu, didnt also able to survive, Allah is often come in.

另一名美国投行人士指出,"但这可能是暂时现象,且可能仅限于接下来几周.市场上可能有些幸灾乐祸的气氛."But it will probably be temporary and just the next few weeks. There will be a bit of schadenfreude.

最近有关约克公爵夫人的八卦消息让英国媒体感到很是幸灾乐祸。The recent tabloid sting involving the Duchess of York has elicited plenty of schadenfreude in the British press.

如今大量的法学院和医学院毕业生面临的窘境可能会给博士生们一个幸灾乐祸的机会。The predicament of the current crop of law- and medical-school graduates might give PhD students an opportunity for Schadenfreude.

中国博客圈对于二月火灾这件事的幸灾乐祸,显示了中国国人对于央视远大理想的漠视。The Schadenfreude in China’s blogosphere over the disaster in February suggests lukewarm support for CCTV’s ambitions among the audience at home.

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我们没有理由幸灾乐祸。欧洲的悲剧是全人类的倒退,尤其是对于我们称为“西方”的那个奇怪的存在物。There is no occasion here for schadenfreude. Europe's tragedy is a setback for all mankind, and especially for that strange entity that we call the West.

虽然根据英国人的本性,他们太容易沉浸在日尔曼语里所谓的“幸灾乐祸”之中,但他们也会因为对着老劲敌遇到困难时的一丝坏笑而被原谅。Although Britons are too good-natured to indulge in anything as Teutonic as Schadenfreude , they might be forgiven for a small smirk at the troubles of their old rivals.

欧洲人和许多亚洲人喜欢看到美国佬摔跟头,当看到美国银行业巨人们卑躬屈膝地对待阿布拉比、新加坡和中国时,实在是很难不去乘机幸灾乐祸。Europeans and many Asians love to see the Yanks humbled, and the sight of America's banking giants going hat in hand to Abu Dhabi, Singapore and China is too much Schadenfreude to pass up.