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不丹也有同样的问题。Bhutan has the same problem.

锡金。不丹也有分布。Sikkim , Bhutan also has distributing.

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不丹至今还未赢得奥运会奖牌。Bhutan has yet to win an Olympic medal.

他说,“不丹正沿着正确的轨道前进,但还需要开展更多工作。Bhutan is on the right track but needs to do more.

不丹曾进行过一些世行持不同意见的改革。Bhutan did some reform, that the Bank advised against.

如果不丹政府同意这样,我们就能了解事实。If Bhutan Government approves this then we can see the facts.

今天的不丹正处于十字路口,正在为它的未来绘制一条航道。Bhutan is at a crossroads today, charting a course for its future.

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像塑料制品、铝箔纸等这类东西,在不丹都算是新品。Things like plastics, aluminum foil, etc. are somewhat new in Bhutan.

像卢旺达,不丹和孟加拉国都已经强迫执行其法令。Countries such as Rwanda, Bhutan and Bangladesh have all had bans enforced.

中央区域的森林是不丹主要的产林区。Woodlands of the central region provide most of Bhutan"s forest production.

不丹已经完全禁止了吸烟行为,芬兰也准备到2040年时完全禁烟。Bhutan has completely outlawed smoking and Finland hopes to follow suit by 2040.

不丹的水力发电能力和其对游客的吸引是主要的财源。Bhutan"s hydropower potential and its attraction for tourists are key resources.

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在亚洲巍峨的喜马拉雅山,不丹王国仍然是独立的。High in the Himalayan mountains of Asia, thekingdom of Bhutan remained separate.

跨越边境的环保项目正在帮助不丹走出孤立。Transboundary conservation projects are helping Bhutan come out of its isolation.

正如雄伟的喜马拉雅山一样,不丹和尼泊尔的科学家也不会轻言放弃。And, like the rugged Himalayas, the scientists of Bhutan and Nepal will not buckle.

如果人们的幸福感增加,国王可以说不丹正在进步。Ifthe people's happiness increased, the king could say that Bhutan was making progress.

历经了几个世纪的自我封锁之后,在1961年,不丹终于向世界翻开了大门。After centuries of self-imposed isolation, in 1961, Bhutan opened its doors to the world.

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不丹的民族运动是箭术,几乎在所有农村都会定期举行竞赛。Bhutan"s national sport is archery, and competitions are held regularly in most villages.

不丹的投票权是特有的,以每个家庭而非个人为单位,每家都有一票。Suffrage in Bhutan is unique in that each family-unit, rather than individual, has one vote.

不丹是世界上少数有能力吸收其温室气体的几个国家之一。Bhutan is one of the few countries in the world with the capacity to absorb greenhouse gases.