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这一讲到这里就结束了。So the lecture is over.

他拖长了他的演讲。He strung out his lecture.

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在讲演过程中,他离开了。He left during the lecture.

好了,我们还有一次课。All right, one more lecture.

她在他的课上不停地打呵欠。She yawned during his lecture.

填鸭式授课还是互动式教学?Lecture or Interactive Teaching?

想要演讲还是基于案例的教学方案?A lecture or case-based approach?

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而那节是讲幽默的。And that is the lecture on humor.

他以一首诗结束了演讲。He ended his lecture with a poem.

我在看中央电视台的百家讲坛。I'm watching "CCTV Lecture Room".

这就是星期三那堂课的主要内容That will be Wednesday's lecture.

酒会前先有一个演讲。A lecture procedes the wine party.

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你最好缩短讲稿的内容。You’d better cut short the lecture.

他在一篇讲演中事实讲得太多。He overcharged a lecture with facts.

成教授正在讲课。Professor Cheng is giving a lecture.

这一课就到此结束So, that will conclude this lecture.

他的演讲迎合了大多数人的愿望。His lecture hit the will of the most.

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所以我就此写了一篇稿子。So I wrote a lecture on that subject.

他在讲座中加进了许多笑话。He larded his lecture with many jokes.

我觉得他的课没什么意思。I donn't find his lecture interesting.