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这里的明天预示着农垦的发展将更加灿烂辉煌。Here the tomorrow land reclamation of adumbrative development will be more magnificent.

同时也预示着顾客来这里心情会很高兴很享受美城休闲广场的生活。Also adumbrative customers come here mood will be glad to enjoy beautiful city leisure square life.

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这也预示着和讯网将大力推动新闻资讯方面的建设。This adumbrative also move and dispatch net will urge the construction of news information field energetically.

这两家厂商业绩证实了三星二周前预示的一个业界趋向。Outstanding achievement of these two manufacturers confirmed SamSung Zhou Qian's adumbrative 2 an industry trends.

这些都预示着互联网广告在经历了数年砥砺之后,将进入一个崭新的阶段。These adumbrative Internet advertisement are in after experiencing several years of encourage, will enter a brand-new phase.

让恩乔感到困惑的是,姻雨有着和他梦境中的女子非常相似的外表,一切似乎都在预示着什么。Rangenqiao feels bemused is, marriage rain has the woman in move and his dream's very similar appearance, everything is in it seems that adumbrative what.

此外,盛大文学还宣布重金购买手机小说作品版权,预示着其3G战略部署开始启动。In addition, royal literature still announces heavy gold buys copyright of writing of mobile phone fiction, deploy of adumbrative its 3G strategy begins to start.

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出现以上这些都是生理性增多,属于正常范围,不必担心害怕。但是,当白带的数量、颜色、气味等发生变化时,就预示着发生疾病。Appear above these are increasing, belongs to the normal physiological limits, need not be afraid. However, when the number of leucorrhea, color, smell etc changes, adumbrative disease.

也可以这样说,慢性肾盂肾炎伴有高血压时多预示病变可能累及肾实质,此时要提高警惕。Such OK also saying, chronic pyelonephritis companion hasHypertensiveWhen much more adumbrative pathological change is possible essence of drag in kidney, want to raise vigilance right now.

还有地上的连声炮,在噼里啪啦的响着,仿佛在为天空中的舞蹈伴奏,预示着我们在新的一年里年年有余、平安吉祥、事事顺利的意思。And recited guns on the ground, in scratching rang, as if to play the music for dancing in the sky, adumbrative our year after year in the New Year more, good luck, the meaning of everything.

出现以上这些都是生理性增多,属于正常范围,不必担心害怕。但是,当白带的数量、颜色、气味等发生变化时,就预示着发生疾病。Appeared above these are increasing, belongs to the normal range physiological, do not worry about fear. However, when the number of leucorrhea, color, smell etc changes, adumbrative disease.