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蝴蝶结在鞋面点缀。Dashing embellishment at vamp.

一匹狂奔的马将他撞倒。A dashing horse bowled him over.

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她正在滔滔不绝地演讲。She is dashing along her speech.

带上无畏的洛和勇敢的梅来。With fearless Lowe and dashing May.

但是他们不年轻,却是彪炳的男人。But they weren't young, dashing men.

载我的出租车司机是个年轻而又风度翩翩的黑白混血儿。The taxi driver, a dashing young mulatto, asked

那幅画里画了几个雄纠纠的人。There are several dashing figures in the painting.

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空袭警报使人们纷纷往自己的家跑去了。Air-raid alarm sent people dashing toward their home.

冲破大风雪,我们坐在雪橇上。Dashing through the snow, In a one-horse open sleigh.

书中她被内穆尔公爵所吸引。She is attracted instead to the dashing Duc de Nemours.

湍急的涧水哗啦哗啦地淌下山谷。The little mountain stream is dashing down to the plain.

空袭警报使人们纷纷往自己的家里跑去。Air-raid alarm sent the people dashing toward their home.

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一开始,他车架得跟蜗牛一样,现在他又一路猛冲!At first he drove like a snail and now how he is dashing along!

站在海边,我看到一个大浪朝那条船扑去。Standing on the beach I saw a very big wave dashing over the boat.

是否常常在您匆匆忙忙出门之际您家的电话铃声响起来了?Does the phone always ring when you're just dashing out of the door?

岩石沿山坡滚下,撞碎途中的冰,或其他岩石。It rolls down the mountain, dashing ice or other rocks loose on the way.

我是,站在我身边的这位美女是,我们将是你们今晚的司仪。I'm and this dashing gentleman beside me is , we are your emcees for tonight.

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您从车上走下向我们挥手,风度翩翩,真不愧是大国领导人啊!You were so dashing and charming. You are worthy of the leader of a big nation.

她美丽的双绞线和珠设计,将你冲你的珠框。Her beautiful twisted wire and bead designs will have you dashing to your bead box.

但是,在我这些所有的光鲜外表中,最引人侧目的还是要数我的飞鸽。Yet, besides my dashing good looks, nothing turns more heads than my Flying Pigeon.