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我们跪下祈祷吧。Let us kneel in prayer.

来跪在佐德面前吧!Come and kneel before Zod! Zod!

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来,拜堂了!跪下来,开始拜堂了。Kneel down, the wedding starts.

在那冰冷的无限面前跪叩to kneel before the cold immensity

八戒忙对着唐僧下跪,口喊师傅。唐僧非常吃惊。You silly, kneel down to meet your master.

你划十字,你弯腰,你屈膝?Do you cross yourself? Do you bow? Do you kneel?

华文,华武,你们俩跪在地上所为何事呀?Wah Man, Wah Mo, why do you kneel on the ground?

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所有帝王无论大小屈服于吾。All kings of empires great and small kneel to me.

如同在史前,你膜拜的地方就是祭堂。The altar as in prehistory is anywhere you kneel.

唐派不能再跪下说说话。Tang said the camp "could" not kneel down to talk.

如同在史前,你膜拜的地方就是祭堂。The altar, as in prehistory, is anywhere you kneel.

要射中女人的心,最有把握的方法就是跪下来瞄个正准。The surest way to hit woman's heart is to take aim kneel.

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在你点燃它们的时候,不要弯腰或跪在地上靠烟花爆竹很近。Don't bend or kneel next to fireworks once you light them.

他仿佛觉得他不敢直接跪在上帝跟前。It seemed as though he dared not kneel directly before God.

自己选择滴簬。就算跪着也喓自己撑芐迲!Oneself selective road, Even if the kneel also Gotta Go To!

他跪下來还是站在那裡求张三?Does he kneel on the ground or stand there to beg ChangShan?

玛丽从自行车上摔下时,她唯一受伤的地方是膝盖。When Mary fell off her bicycle, her only injury was a kneel.

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泥土中有某个东西闪着金光,我跪下去仔细看看。In the dirt is a shining spot of gold, and I kneel down to see.

皇帝一发怒,文武百官都跪了下来。Once the emperor got angry, all the officials would kneel down.

黑猫的骄傲如同女生,等待你来俯首称臣。The pride of the black cats as girls, waiting for you to kneel.