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我得找个更好的样本了I got to get a better demo.

试玩版会在五月中旬放出。The Demo will come mid May.

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什么是这个试玩最好的东西?。What is the best thing about the demo?

看看这些现场演示的视频吧。Check out these videos for a live demo.

有些现场演示非常生动有趣。Some of live demo were very impressive.

明年这个演示也会比较费事。This demo needs a little work next year.

预告结束,现在是问答时间。The demo over, it was time for player Q&A.

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现在你能给我们试播一下吗?Would you mind giving us a demo right now?

金芽孢杆菌,我昨天尝试了演示。B. T. I was able to try the demo yesterday.

点击图片以查看工作演示。Click on the image to see the working demo.

宇衬,周期性位势,量子点的示范。Parity, Periodic Potentials, Quantum Dot Demo.

下面是一个视频演示使用在G巴赫的小步舞曲。Below is a video demo using Bach's Menuet in G.

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谢谢珮琳在观摩上的用心和努力。Thanks for Patty's industrious work on the demo.

演示应用程序是以压缩格式提交的。The demo application is delivered in a zipped format.

您也可以拖动来查看演示的某些部分。You may need to scroll to see some areas of the demo.

要求其中一个学生带一些文具出来。Let me show you how to do. T and 2 students make a demo.

很可惜在E3演示版中这些不能运行。These were unfortunately not operational in the E3 demo.

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这比赌博的技巧演示是更多。This is much more than just a demo of gambling sleights.

下载一个免费的,功能齐全的14天演示版今天!Download a FREE, full-featured 14 day demo version today!

下载本文包含的演示应用程序。Download the demo application included with this article.