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5个针片,信号插座用。TIDP 5 pin, female DIN phono plug.

你好,丁先生。我叫约翰?布朗。How are you, Mr. Din? I'm John Brown.

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在喧嚣中这是个小小的希望。It’s a small note of hope in the din.

我们认为这些数据是很有用的。We regard these din thea as very useful.

外面车马喧喧,人声嚷嚷。Din din outside, traveling, voice shouted.

在喧闹中提高你的音量至让别人听到的程度Raising your voice to be heard over the din

这种单锭DVD播放机真正拥有一切。This single DIN car DVD player really has it all.

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远离发狂的群众,灰尘,烟和喧嚣。Away from the madding crowd, dust , smoke and din.

感觉你要为一个坏的肉包喋喋不休了。You sound like you had a bad pork bun for din din.

鱼儿似乎也不喜欢用餐时有噪音。Seems that fish don't like a din with dinner either.

简单的接线连接使用17毫米DIN连接器。Simple wiring connectivity using 17mm DIN connectors.

蒙克斯等待着喧嚣的减弱。Mengsk waited for the din to subside before continuing.

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舱里人声嘈杂,是一个完全不同的世界。There lied a completely another world, bustling with din.

舱里人声嘈杂,是一个完全不同的世界。The din indoor atmosphere absolutely showed another world.

喧嚷过后是格外的寂静,一个人独饮。Din is an especially after the silence of a person to drink.

在震耳欲聋的流行乐中,人们喝酒、跳舞。In this earsplitting din of pop-music, people drink or dance.

每当我去看视父亲的的时候,总有一个声音在那里大喊大叫。There is always a clamorous din when I go to visit my father.

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你知道十桶毒品多有杀伤力吗?。You know how much din the morningage we could do with ten kegs?

我摇起车窗把马路上的喧嚣隔于车外。I rolled up my car window to block out the din of the road work.

当中午的笛声响起时,工厂里的嘈杂声顿时停止了。The din in the factory ends abruptly when the noon whistle sounds.