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有辣椒。Which has capsicum.

即使不放辣椒。Even though without capsicum.

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我们可以给您少放点儿辣椒。We can cook for you with less capsicum.

辣椒素是辣椒的主要辛辣成分。Capsaicin-the main acridity of capsicum.

鲜虾。蟹肉。蛤蛎。洋葱。甜椒。Shrimp, crabmeat , clam, onion, capsicum.

辣椒非洲岸桑巴尔岛椒属豆夹研磨而。Capsicum grown on the eastern coast of Africa and in Zanzibar.

红辣椒中含有丰富的辣椒红素、辣椒黄素。There is rich capsanthin and chilli orange in capsicum annuml.

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辣椒与花椒的组合,一场完美的邂逅。Combination Of Capsicum And Prickly Ash Is A Perfect Encounter.

青椒植物属的未成熟的绿色果实辣椒。The unripened green fruit of pepper plants of the genus Capsicum.

他是最能吃辣椒的人,也是工资最高的人。He is the best one that can stand capsicum and the one who earns most.

将鸭肉和青红椒切成同样大小的菱形块备用。Cut the duck meat, green and red capsicum into diamond shape, set aside.

散发着柑橘的芳香与辣椒果实和青草的气息。A fragrant bouquet of lifted citrus with hints of capsicum and cut grass.

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可谁都知道,被喷辣椒水有多难受。But everyone knew how afflictive it was to have eyes spouted by capsicum spray.

醋栗与柠檬香草的芬芳浓郁而显著,并透出几许青辣椒的辛香。Dominated by gooseberry and lemongrass with underlying spicy green capsicum notes.

适量辣椒能开胃,有利于消化吸收,但不能吃过量。Eating proper capsicum offers a good appetite. However, we should not eat it too much.

富含维他命C的食物包括桔子、猕猴桃、各种浆果、西红柿、青椒和花椰菜。Vitamin C-rich foods include oranges kiwifruit berries tomatoes capsicum and broccoli.

我出法取得执照是由于政府没有会卖给我两氧化碳。I can't get a license for it capsicum is derived from stdined will not sell me the CO2.

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余味带有浓郁的醋栗种子和热带水果的香气。Gooseberry capsicum and tropical on a full, rich palate with a long sweet-fruited finish.

富含维他命C的食物包括桔子、猕猴桃、各种浆果、西红柿、青椒和花椰菜。Vitamin C-rich foods include oranges, kiwifruit, berries, tomatoes, capsicum and broccoli.

枯萎病是引起玉林地区冬、春种辣椒死株的一个重要病害。Capsicum wilt is one of the important diseases which cause winter and spring capsicum death.