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议院和白宫都表示这样的讨论是没有意义的,因为这一提案根本不会得到通过。The Senate and the White House said it was a nonstarter.

任何关于剩余报酬的谈判,不管是过去的还是将来的,希望都微乎其微。Any talk of residuals, past or future, was simply a nonstarter.

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但对发达国家而言,这种观念于事无补。But such a concept is a nonstarter as far as the developed world is concerned.

而且,她父母和伊森父母是政治伙伴,报警是不可能的。Also, her parents were political friends of Ethan’s parents, so that was a nonstarter.

且不说韩国面对朝鲜攻击时的脆弱性,军事打击无任何成功希望。Given Seoul’s vulnerability to North Korean attack, military strikes are a nonstarter.

保罗认为,政府的医疗卫生计划是简单明了的,而基思则认为这是不可取的。To Paul, the administration's health plan is simple and straightforward. To Keith, it is a nonstarter.

若在他的住所里,除了他以外,唯一一个和他一起生活的事物只是他那冰箱后…If the only thing that lives in his place other than him is the mold in the back of his fridge, he's a nonstarter.

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对于民主党来说是无成功的希望了,白宫已逐渐不再仅仅寻找一个短期的刺激经济的一揽子方案了。That would be a nonstarter with Democrats and the White House has backed away from seeking to make it part of a short-term stimulus package.

鉴于其重要性,给中国付费让其解决自身的环境问题并非听起来那样无稽。Given the gravity of the issue, the notion of paying China to solve its environment problems may not be as much of a nonstarter as it sounds.

当这些大且复杂的文件变得更规范时,对程序员和分析员来说手工处理通常是不可能完成的。As these large and complex files became more the norm, the art of working on them manually was often a nonstarter for programmers and analysts.

中国从去年开始增加原油储备,而印度早已有此想法,但它可能会发现以目前的速度将远远无法实现储备计划。India, which has long harbored hopes of setting aside stockpiles as China started to do last year, may find its plans a nonstarter at current rates.

大多数俄国专家知道俄中联合对付美国比美俄联合对付中国更有希望。Most Russian experts understand that a U. S. -Russian alliance against China is as much of a nonstarter as a Russian-Chinese alliance against the United States.

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首先而言,大学教育的效果取决于学校和学生的共同作用,因此两者之间的“契合”非常重要,最适合这个学生的大学可能是另一个学生的噩梦。For starters, a college education is really a joint production between both the college and the student, so 'fit' matters greatly. The best college for one student might be a nonstarter for another.