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房外的油漆容易开裂、脱落和褪色。Exterior paint tends to chip, peal and fade.

我这位朋友又咯咯笑了起来。My friend broke into another peal of laughter.

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街道上悬挂旗帜庆祝胜利。The winners peal the bells to celebrate victory.

胜利者让钟声齐鸣庆祝胜利。The winners peal the bells to celebrate victory.

东方明珠是南京青岛旅游价格的标志性建筑。The oriental peal tower is a landmark of shanghai.

大海对贝壳的阐释,或许是珍珠。Perhaps the sea's definition of a shell is the peal.

好的。再来个难一点的。珍珠港什么时候遇袭的?Okay. Here's a harder one. When was Peal Harbor attacked?

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圣美里持续不断的警钟使一些微弱的希望复活了。The obstinacy of the alarm peal of Saint-Merry reanimated some fancies.

金铃儿愤然站起,竟是要叛师。The gold peal son station rises and unexpectedly wants Pan teacher in pique.

影片的结尾,他们得到了一个野蛮而讽刺的回答,声若洪钟。At the end of the film they get their response in a great savage ironic peal.

公司成立于1994年,位于中国南方广东省珠三角洲地区。The company was established in 1994, located in peal river delta, GuangDong, South of china.

枪声齐鸣,钟声玎珰,人们发出高吭的欢呼声,叫喊声,一涌而上,纷纷去拿小木橛子。Guns are fired, the bells peal furiously, loud exclamations of delight, shouts, and a rush to get the pegs.

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采用常压低温氩等离子体对珍珠纤维混纺纱进行改性处理。The surface of peal fiber blended yarns was modified using normal atmosphere and low pressure argon plasma.

油漆和涂料。房外的油漆容易开裂、脱落和褪色。找找磨损的地方,该修补的要修补。Paint and stain. Exterior paint tends to chip, peal and fade. Look for signs of wear and touch up where needed.

我们要如何使用它们的果皮呢?首先,表皮因为很粗糙,所以要剥下它的外皮,在盐水中浸泡一天。What we do with this skin? Frist thing first, peal the outter skin cause its rough, then soak it in brine for a day.

一天,我正遥望着白雪皑皑的群山时,听到了停车声,接着是一阵急促的门铃声。While I stood staring toward the snowcapped mountains one day, I heard a car pull up, then the impatient Peal of the doorbell.

此时小王子发出一阵清脆的笑声。这使我很不高兴。我要求别人严肃地对待我的不幸。And the little prince broke into a lovely peal of laughter, which irritated me very much. I like my misfortunes to be taken seriously.

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2005年6月,由于受强盛的西南暖温气流和弱冷空气的共同影响,珠江流域经历了暴雨到大暴雨天气,西江流域中、下游普遍出现了超警戒水位。Because of the powerful warm air current, southwest and weak cold air in June, 2005, the Peal River has gone through the heavy storm weather.

2011年,生活在北约克郡沙罗的一名男子被延续三个小时的钟鸣激怒,将敲钟的人锁在了教堂钟塔内。In 2011, a man living in Sharow, North Yorkshire, was so incensed by a three-hour peal that he locked the bell ringers inside the church belfry.

牧师的神思随着这一荒唐可怖的画面驰骋,在不知不觉之中突然爆发出一阵狂笑,连他自己都大吃一惊。Carried away by the grotesque horror of this picture, the minister, unawares, and to his own infinite alarm, burst into a great peal of laughter.