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坦噶尼喀与桑吉巴合并组成坦桑尼亚共和国。Tanganyika and Zanzibar join to form the Republic of Tanzania.

位于坦噶尼喀湖边的营养中心像这个城市的其他营养中心一样正在提供帮助。Nutritional centres like the one in this town on Lake Tanganyika are helping.

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在坦桑尼亚的坦噶尼喀湖上,闪电的冲击分裂一朵云彩。Shocks of lightning split a cloud formation over Lake Tanganyika in Tanzania.

一个多世纪后,在沿着通向坦噶尼喀湖的路上贸易依旧兴隆。More than a century later, business is still brisk along the road to Lake Tanganyika.

澳大利亚西部和非洲的坦噶尼喀湖发生6级左右地震。Earthquakes of magnitude 6 or so occurred in the western Australia and Tanganyika Lake of Africa.

在1919年被授予英国前德国境内的坦噶尼喀湖作为国际联盟任务。In 1919 Britain was awarded the former German territory of Tanganyika as a League of Natio mandate.

在1919年被授予英国前德国境内的坦噶尼喀湖作为国际联盟任务。In 1919 Britain was awarded the former German territory of Tanganyika as a League of Nations mandate.

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1960年时,数英里宽的森林带环绕着坦噶尼喀湖300英里的岸边。In 1960 there were forests fringing the 300-mile shoreline of Lake Tanganyika and extending for miles.

英国东非包括前英国领土的肯尼亚,乌干达,坦噶尼喀和桑给巴尔。British East Africa comprised the former British territories of Kenya, Uganda, Tanganyika &am Zanzibar.

这种渡轮已经在坦喀尼喀湖从事运输货物和人员几乎有100年的历史了。Liemba, a ferry that has been transporting goods and people on Lake Tanganyika for almost a hundred years.

1960年夏天,这位年轻的英格兰女性来到东非坦桑尼亚的坦噶尼喀湖边。In the summer of 1960, the young Englishwoman arrived on the shores of Lake Tanganyika in Tanzania, East Africa.

在经历了无数次的耽搁之后,我们终于逐步到了基戈马,一个位于坦噶尼喀湖上的欧洲小殖民地。Eventually, after innumerable delays, we reached Kigoma, a small European settlement overlooking Lake Tanganyika.

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警方表示,在坦干伊克海岸还发现了15具尸体,他们相信是失事飞机上的乘客。Police say about 15 bodies believed to be passengers from the plane have also been recovered of the Tanganyika coast.

该研究得到了坦桑尼亚渔业研究所的帮助,后者在坦噶尼喀湖有一个实地观测站。The work was done with the help of the Tanzania Fisheries Research Institute, which operates a field station on Lake Tanganyika.

一位有胆识的年轻英国科学家在坦噶尼喀与黑猩猩生活在一起,发现了猩猩的一些行为的详细资料,而这些迄今为止都鲜为人知。A courageous young British scientist lives among these great apes in Tanganyika and learns hitherto unknown details of their behavior.

2007年2月,我到达坦噶尼喀湖边的小镇巴拉卡,这个小镇到处是刚果士兵和联合国援助工人。I arrived in Baraka, a town on Lake Tanganyika that was overrun with Congolese soldiers and international aid workers, in February 2007.

自史前时代就有人类居住,在1891年该地区大部分成为德国的保护国。在1920年又作为坦噶尼喀转由英国人控制。Inhabited since prehistoric times, most of the region became a German protectorate in 1891 and passed to the British in 1920 as Tanganyika.

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据了解,坦噶尼喀石油是石油勘探和开采为基础的能源在叙利亚和埃及等地的公司有相关的资产。It is understood, Tanganyika Oil is a petroleum exploration and mining-based energy company in Syria and Egypt and other places have related assets.

1975年5月19日的夜里,三位年轻的美国人和一位荷兰籍女性被游荡在坦噶尼喀湖附近的扎伊尔反叛军绑架了。On the night of May 19, 1975, three young Americans and a Dutch woman were kidnapped by rebel soldiers who had come across Lake Tanganyika from Zaire.

坦干伊克官员称,他们相信冲刷到该国海岸上的残骸属于上周在科摩罗岛坠毁的也门客机。Officials in Tanganyika say debride wash to shore on its coast is believed to come from a Yemeni airline which crashed on its way to the Comoros Islands last week.