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辣椒里的辣椒素帮助高血压实验鼠降低血压Hot Peppers' Capsaicin Helps Hypertensive Rats

在红辣椒里,辣椒素是辣味的始作俑者。In chilies, capsaicin is what makes them spicy and “hot.”

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辣椒中的辣椒素可加速脂肪的代谢。The capsaicin in the hot pepper can accelerate an adipose metabolism.

因此,辣椒素引发哺乳动物的痛觉感受似乎纯属偶然。The fact that capsaicin causes pain to mammals seems to be accidental.

本发明的6-姜酚的作用强度高于辣椒素。The action intensity of the 6-gingerol is higher than that of capsaicin.

辣椒素不能用在受损或发炎的皮肤上,也不能用在伤口或者皮疹上。Capsaicin cannot be used on damaged or irritated skin, wounds, or rashes.

然而,没有人确切了解辣椒素是如何引发这种正面效果的。Nobody, however, knows exactly how capsaicin might trigger such beneficial effects.

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当然吃一个红辣椒问题不大,但你如果吃得太多到一定量的话,可能会有生命危险。Of course one chili won’t hurt, but if you eat enough of them, capsaicin can kill you.

很多小孩子——甚至是来自以吃辣而闻名的国度——却拒绝接受辣椒素。Most young children, even from cultures known for their spicy recipes, are averse to capsaicin.

辣椒精是从红辣椒果实中提取辣椒油,再经分离精制而得的一种天然的具有辣味的调味品。Capsaicin is a kind of natural hot sauce separated and refined from capsicol extracted from chili.

Mendelson认为“辣椒素提高了可卡因的致死率。”"The presence of capsaicin in mice makes smaller amounts of cocaine more lethal, " Mendelson says.

中国的研究者们用7个月的时间给培育成高血压的小鼠喂食一成不变的辣椒素食物。For seven months, researchers in China fed a steady diet of capsaicin to rats bred to be hypertensive.

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一项最新研究显示,辣椒素是一种抵御真菌侵染辣椒种子的有效武器。A recent study suggested that capsaicin is an effective defense against a fungus that attacks chili seeds.

辣椒所含的辣椒碱能刺激味觉、增加食欲、促进大脑血液循环。Pepper contains capsaicin can stimulate the taste, increased appetite, and promote brain blood circulation.

辣椒素是红辣椒中的成分,吸入它时会刺激感觉神经末梢,引发咳嗽。Capsaicin is an ingredient in red pepper when inhaled it can cause cough by stimulating sensory nerve endings.

辣椒素对地下害虫有显著诱杀作用,蛋白高、营养足。The capsaicin has to the soil insect obviously lures and kills the function, the protein is high, nutrition foot.

同样会吞食果实的鸟类就缺少感受这种疼痛的生化通路,因此辣椒素对它们一点作用也没有。Birds, which also eat fruits, don’t have the same biochemical pain pathway, so they don’t suffer at all from capsaicin.

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为了解答这个疑问,科学家们用给小白鼠喂含辣椒素和不含辣椒素的高脂食物的方法来研究辣椒素对肥胖的影响。In an effort to find out, the scientists fed high-fat diets with or without capsaicin to lab rats used to study obesity.

他的团队将辣椒素或可卡因中的一种,或同时将两种注射进几组老鼠的腹部,每组约30只。To investigate, his team injected cocaine, capsaicin or both at once into the abdomens of several groups of about 30 mice.

鲜辣椒富含营养、维生素和辣椒素。而人们认为这些可对抗癌症、炎症和肥胖。Fresh chilli is packed full of nutrients, vitamins and capsaicin which are thought to fight cancer, inflammation and obesity.