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中层放显示器,上层可以放置音箱。Middle-level puts monitor, superstratum can place sound box.

但上层有问题,美国经济也有问题。But superstratum has a problem, american economy also has a problem.

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目的寻找较为理想的烧伤创面覆盖物。Objective To explore one of the ideal superstratum for burn surface.

骑士制度产生于中世纪欧洲的上层社会。Knight system is rooted in the superstratum society of mid-century Europe.

但这些“上层”已经与“燕”的生活无关了。But these " superstratum " already with " swallow " the life had nothing to do.

骑士身份的获得,是一名武士进入上层社会的标志。Acquisition of knight status is symbolizing a knight's enter into the superstratum society.

上层是一张单人床,上下两层由梯子连接在一起。Superstratum is a piece of single bed, fluctuation is joined two layers together by ladder.

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并在此基础上进行了实际声学覆盖层大样的声全息测量与应用研究。Base it, the measurement of acoustical superstratum is performed to reconstruct its reflection coefficient.

但网络推手的活动范围不在上层,而是在这个基础内部。But the territory that the network shoves a hand is absent superstratum , be in however this base is built-in.

采用解析的方法研究了上覆单相弹性层的饱和地基上刚性圆板的摇摆振动。Rocking vibration of rigid disk resting on saturated medium with an elastic superstratum are studied by analytical methods.

采用解析的方法研究了上覆单相弹性层的饱和地基上刚性圆板的扭转振动。Torsional vibrations of a rigid disk resting on saturated medium with an elastic superstratum are studied by analytical methods.

同时,将模糊-PID复合控制应用于混合煤气加压机调压系统,实现了出口煤气压力的稳定控制。The superstratum is made of expert control system, which gives out the set value, whereas, the underlayer consists of PID controller.

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采用两层优化模型,上层是电力市场定价模型,下层是发电厂商利润最大化。Use two to optimize a model, superstratum is model of power market price, lower level is profit of power plant business the biggest change.

垫片上下两层钢质片允许发生微量的剪切位移,从而在轴颈偏斜时能保持良好的接触状态。The tiny shear displacement between superstratum and substratum steel pieces is allowable, so good contact state is kept when axes may be inclined.

针对上覆弹性土层横观各向同性饱和地基,采用半解析半数值的方法研究了其竖向振动问题。Vertical vibrations on transversely isotropic saturated soils with an elastic superstratum were studied by semi-analytical and semi-numerical method.

具体而言,涉及上层官僚集团利益的内容尚能确凿生效,“恩宥”及于下层民众的内容则多落不到实处。Ordinarily, the contents involving superstratum bureaucracy's benefits could be carried out, but those concerning lower estates couldn't be executed completely.

文化和解现代性、全球化和上层文化理念的开放性以及由此而来的思想自由的释放,使时代文化趋向多元化。Modernity, globalization, the openness of superstratum cultural ideology resulted in the release of thought liberalization, which leads to the multiple culture of the time.

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但基本需求满足后,人往往会生出“更上层楼”的愿望,这从本性上符合人对自我膨胀的需要。But after main demand is contented, the person often can be born " more superstratum building " desire, this accords with the need that the person expands to ego from nature.

文章扮演都市小男人为爱付出,越来越如鱼得水,王小贱的角色有可能让他的小男人形象更上层楼。The article plays urban men pay for love, more and more feel just like a fish in water, in the role of Wang Xiaojian could make his little man image more superstratum building.

酷讯北京总公司的公关部人士表示,“现在这件事不好说,上层未授予权限”。The public figure of public relations department of head office of cruel dispatch Beijing expresses, "This thing is bad now to say, superstratum did not grant limits of authority ".