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无爱的婚姻,是中国封建社会最普遍的婚姻状况。Marriage without love is a common situation in Feudalist Society.

市场经济,在封建社会时期就有了萌芽。Market economy was in its embryonic stages as early as feudalist society.

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荀子的君权思想和礼法观可谓中国封建正统法律思想的雏形。The monarchic power thoughts of Xunzi is the embryo of Chinese feudalist law theory.

起源于欧洲封建时期的商会,对于欧洲的社会结构产生了重要影响。Chamber of commerce, originating in feudalist Europe, had a great impact on its social structure.

都是由封建帝王领导,自上而下地对社会体制和社会制度进行改革。Again, both undergo a top to bottom reform of social mechanism and system, led by feudalist Kings.

然而,格蕾欣却是固守封建传统道德规范的平民少女。However, Gretchen was just a young populace-girl who had sticked to the traditional, feudalist and old moral concepts.

梁启超的新民思想经历了一个从封建旧学到资产阶级新学的发展过程。The thought of making people fresh of Liang Qichao had an expanding process from feudalist thought to the capitalist thought.

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而40年的洋务运动始终无法达到政治改革的层面,说明了封建统治阶级的自我革新和政治制度的改革是无法自我完成的。However, the 40-year movement could not reach the standard of political reform, which reflects the limitations of the feudalist ruling class.

但是,土地分散化趋势虽然是封建土地制度的衰落,但并不意味着农业资本主义经济的发展。However, land decentralization doesn't mean development of capitalist economy in Chinese agriculture, but the decline of feudalist land system.

民本主义是儒家的传统思想,两千多年来它是封建统治者实行统治的精神支柱。The people-based doctrine is the traditional idea of Confucianists, which was the spiritual prop of the feudalist rulers for more that 2000 years.

一些顽固的封建习俗如血亲复仇仍在前封建大家族中残留并作为他们进行苟延残喘挣扎的重要形式和最后堡垒。Some obstinate feudalist conventions such as blood revenge still existed in the former big feudal families, and became the last fortress to struggle.

以德治为统治思想的中国封建社会曾经创造了西方社会无法比拟的物质文明和精神文明。Taking rule of virtue as the feudalist society governing thought, China had once created much more material progress and cultural progress than the west.

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这种和户籍管理紧紧相扣的制度是我们认识封建政权控制乡村社会的重要方面。Such system, which was closely connected with the census register, helps us to understand how feudalist regimes controlled the society of the countryside.

从封建经济制度到资本主义经济制度的巨大变革过程中,资本原始积累起了非常重要的作用。During the great reform course from the feudalist economy system to the capitalist economy system, the primitive accumulation of capital has taken great effect.

唐朝是中国封建社会的鼎盛时期,绘画在此时也与不同地区的画法交融,进入了一个崭新的时代。The Tang Dynasty was a period of full bloom in Chinese feudalist society, when painting ushered in a brandnew era by mingling with technique in different regions.

通俗作家不都是封建遗老遗少,也有许多受西方思想影响乃至革命志士。Not all popular writers were the old fogy of the feudalist society and many of them were influenced by Western ideology and some of them were even revolutionaries.

虽然在表面上存在差异,但实质上它们在政治上融汇互补,并行不悖,奠定了整个封建社会道德政治的理论基础。Though there are some ostensible differences, they are essentially complimentary in politics which laid the theoretical foundation for the moral politics of feudalist society.

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白话译诗引发了白话新诗的草创,宣扬了反抗封建礼教、尊重人的价值、个性与尊严的人文主义精神。Translated poems in the vernacular helped usher in the new poetry, advocate the struggle against the feudalist doctrines, and strove for human values, individuality and dignity.

宋代是个政治表现十分孱弱的朝代,但其政治内核——文官制度却十分发达,达到了中国封建社会的最高峰。Though the Song Dynasty is very weak in political power, its political core, the civil official system, is highly advanced and has reached its utmost in Chinese feudalist society.

从远古时期起论述了原始奴隶封建社会各个时代的中医药市场的萌芽、产生及曲折发展历程。The article discussed the sprouting, production and development of Chinese medical market in primitive society, slave society, feudalist society and in modern times or modern time.