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它的音乐和创意简直是完美!It's BGM and originality is perfect!

原始记录性是档案的本质属性。Originality is the nature of archives.

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创新常常战胜惯例。Originality often triumphs over convention.

创造力和独创性是同一件事。Creativity is the same thing as originality.

在他的诗里有独具一格和想象力。There is originality and imagery in his poems.

这尊泥人是颇具独创性的作品。The clay figure is a work of great originality.

新款首饰,无限创意。The newly-designed jewellery is full of originality.

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只有那些没有记忆的人坚持自己的初心。Only those with no memory insist on their originality.

酒店设计千篇一律,缺乏特色和创意。Repetitive design with neither features nor originality.

论及范围宽泛,富于创见性,是这部著作的显著特点。Its wide coverage and originality are the typical traits.

但是,真正的话题是创造力和原创力。Yet, the real issues here are creativity and originality.

存在于世的一切美好事物皆是独创性的硕果。All good things which exist are the fruits of originality.

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他能够写出极具创意的作品。He was capable of writing things of startling originality.

这也是一种对诗篇独创性的独特的宣告。That is an extraordinary claim for the poem's originality.

在任何时候,创新思维都是最宝贵的。All the while, originality of thought was prized above all.

它的主要特征是流畅性、变通性和独创性。Its main features are fluency, flexibility and originality.

弥尔顿为了追求极致的创新而借用了这一说法。Milton had borrowed this claim for an absolute originality.

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这一点正是平面广告创意活动的关键所在。It is the key of the originality of the planar advertisement.

就是在这点上我怀疑这项研究的原创性。It's here that I wonder about the originality of the finding.

参展的每一家公司都在才华和原创力方面经过精心挑选。Every company has been hand-picked for talent and originality.