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请查一下去里兹的快车。Please look up a fast train to Leeds.

狗项圈博物馆,利兹城堡,肯特郡,英国。Dog Collar Museum, Leeds Castle, Kent.

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下一家分店将于下个月在利兹开业。The next will open in Leeds next month.

这艘船少停靠一站。A phone call brought him hurrying to Leeds.

莱切斯特和利兹联在那个赛季与狼队同积33分。Leicester and Leeds also finished on 33 points.

他现在是利兹大学政治系学生。He is now a politics student at Leeds University.

不过,利兹联可能最后仍无法成为球迷们购买的对象。But Leeds may not be the eventual takeover target.

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在英国,有人在利兹的朗读会上晕倒。In Britain, people fainted at the reading in Leeds.

他从利滋远道而来寻找工作。He has come all the way from Leeds to look for a job.

利兹联队后打进第一个球更令他们只有十分钟。Leeds scored their first goal after only ten minutes.

土耳其国家电视台说16名利兹联队球迷已被驱逐。Turkey's NTV television said 16 Leeds fans had been deported.

你只需看看普斯茅斯和利兹联所发生的事。You only have to look at what happened to Portsmouth and Leeds.

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利兹连队和澳大利亚球星维杜卡阐述胜利的重要性。Leeds and Australia star Marc Viduka on the importance of winning.

利兹联在对斯肯索普取得了一个很好的结果,所以那将会很困难。Leeds got a good result against Scunthorpe so it's going to be tough.

英格兰北部一自治市,位于乌斯河河畔、利兹东北偏东。A borough of northern England on the Ouse River east-northeast of Leeds.

记得当初我在切尔西签他时他还是个年轻人,如今我的利兹碰上了麻烦,他前来出手相救。He signed for me at Chelsea as a kid and came to Leeds in our hour of need.

1967年足总杯半决赛,托尼-海特利的头球帮助球队在维拉公园力克利兹。Tony Hateley's header to beat Leeds at Villa Park in the 1967 FA Cup semi-final.

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英国里兹都会大学法商学院博士班,攻读创产与文化行销。DBA Course, Faculty of Business and Law, Leeds, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK.

他被利兹联队求租借,但是温格也许会在季前赛的比赛中测试他。He is wanted by Leeds on loan but Wenger may and test him out in pre-season matches.

在布里安-迪恩于31分钟首开纪录后,利兹主导场上局面超过1小时。Leeds led the game for more than an hour after Brian Dean scored in the 31st minute.