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这一趋势在切尼担任副总统时达到顶峰。That trend reached its apogee in Dick Cheney.

宏伟打算达到口尾下的下潮。The Grand Design reached its rhetorical apogee.

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月球初航一号在第三次变轨时到达远地点165000公里高。Chandrayaan-1 reached the third orbit with an apogee of 1,65,000 km.

在西柏林,寮屋运动30年前达到高峰。Berlin’s squatter movement reached its apogee 30 years ago in the west.

现在我们要看看,近地点和远地点的情况。Now we want to know what the situation is with perigee and with apogee.

金融市场很快恢复元气,而互联网泡沫则达到其最高点。The markets recovered quickly and the dotcom bubble reached its apogee.

根据颧弓最高点间距可推算卵圆孔穿刺时穿刺针进针的深度。Depth of puncture can be deduced according to interval of apogee of malar archs.

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在乔布斯生前,这种现象很猖狂,在他死时,达到最盛。It was rampant in the life of Jobs, and at his death it achieved a kind of apogee.

最接近时称为近地点,而最远时称为远地点。The closest approach is called perigee, while the greatest separation is called apogee.

如果这是一个围绕,地球的椭圆形轨道,那么这是近地点,这是远地点。If this is an ellipse around the Earth, then this would be perigee and this would be apogee.

卡杰拉霍庙宇群建于章德拉王朝,其于公元950年至1050年间达到统治的鼎盛时期。The temples at Khajuraho were built during the Chandella dynasty, which reached its apogee between 950 and 1050.

因此,就在昆曲在艺术上臻于极盛的同时,“花雅之争”随之而起。Therefore, in the Kun Opera in art are reaching its apogee in the same time, "Flower Ya battle, " began to rise.

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当时莎士比亚的死亡,这种灯具作为本琼森称赞他为远地点文艺复兴剧院举行。At the time of Shakespeare's death, such luminaries as Ben Jonson hailed him as the apogee of Renaissance theatre.

我预感印度的盗贼统治已由顶峰逐渐式微,而中国的这种统治则持续恶化。My hunch is that kleptocracy reached its apogee and is now waning in India, while in China it continues to get worse.

错误地认为做椭圆运动的卫星在近地点和远地点的轨道曲率半径不同。Mistakenly believe that doing elliptical motion of the satellite perigee and apogee of the orbit radius of curvature different.

不过要了解,当时欧洲才真正处于黑暗中世纪——而此时的阿拉伯,穆斯林和中国,正处于文明鼎盛时期。It's worth remembering that only in Europe were the Middle Ages dark -- they were the apogee of Arab, Muslim, and Chinese glory.

嫦娥三号已经按照计划进入了近地点高度200公里、远地点高度约38万公里的地月转移轨道。The probe entered the earth-moon transfer orbit as scheduled, with a perigee of 200 kilometers and apogee of 380,000 kilometers.

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推力有限时,地球同步轨道卫星在远地点变轨的弧段很长,会导致较多的燃料消耗。In the case of finite thrust apogee maneuver for the geostationary satellite, the fuel consumption increases due to the long burn arc.

现在,远地点扩大了范围,包括口袋大小的设备专业录音和质量的声音,用户在移动。Now Apogee has expanded its range to include a pocket-sized device for professional recording and quality sounds for users on the move.

路易远地点法国君主专制,一个强大的国王背后——摄政,而他是未成年人,亲力亲为是在54岁。Louis was the apogee of French absolute monarchy, a vastly powerful king who, after a regency while he was a minor, ruled personally for 54 years.