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那对情人难舍难分。The lovers were exceedingly loath to separate.

手把花锄出绣闱,忍踏落花来复去。Loath to tread on the blossom as she comes and goes.

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我不愿意伸手去抓那闪亮的黄铜门环,怕把它弄脏。I felt loath to sully the gleaming brass knocker by handling it.

不过,受到失业困扰的美国公众看来对这样的主意深恶痛绝。But a public beleaguered by lost jobs seems loath to embrace such an idea.

果实如若有情,也是恋栈的。If fruit is affectionate, he will be loath to give up his natal place too.

但是,至少在大多数地区,我们仍然不愿意既珍惜鲸鱼又毁灭鲸鱼。But at least in most places, we remain loath to both cherish and consume whales.

据麦耶讲,葡萄牙里斯本会议的组织者说,他们对建立国际规则不太情愿。Organizers of the Lisbon conference say they are loath to create international rules.

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不管你多么不情愿承认,互联网上关于我们的信息已经与我们切身相关了。As much as we might be loath to admit it, what the Internet is saying about us matters.

一栋房子需要长期承担责任,而许多人不愿在这种不确定的时期去这么做。A house is a long-term commitment that many are loath to make in uncertain times like these.

数以亿计的美元源源不断的花掉,然后制药公司才不情愿的宣布某种药物无效。With billions of dollars on the line, companies are loath to declare a new drug ineffective.

因此该组织不愿意批评成员国,相反,它在幕后开展工作。So the Organization is loath to criticize a member country, but instead works behind the scenes.

然而,蔡铭超一夜之间成为中国的民族英雄,克里斯蒂拍卖行可能不愿起诉他。However, Christie's might be loath to prosecute Cai, who has become overnight a Chinese national hero.

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政治家们不愿承认他们正在计划引入对于核工业的补贴。Politicians are loath to admit that they are planning to introduce a subsidy for the nuclear industry.

我不想预测一种变异如此快的病毒会引起什么后果。I am loath to make predictions about what an influenza virus that mutates so rapidly will do, " he said."

克林顿不愿正视这些问题,她的手下也极不情愿承认她偶尔犯下的错误。Clinton is unwilling to acknowledge these problems, and her staff is loath to admit her occasional mistakes.

因此,该小组很不情愿地作出不要求该类药物撤市的决定,他说。As a result, the panel was loath to take an action that could remove an entire class of medications, he says.

他说,由于社会歧视的存在,很多病人不愿意去心理疾病专科医院就诊。Because of open prejudice, numerous patients are loath to meet hospitals specializing in mental care, he said.

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我记得父亲疲惫勉强的笑容,和临别时的无奈和期许。I remember the smiling expression with father loath exhaustion, and just before parting when but and period make.

不过,政治形势必然使很多企业领导仍不愿上缴更多的利润。Politics, though, ensures that many company chiefs will remain loath to part with more than they are required to.

当你看到在别人身上你很讨厌的缺点,你可能看到的是你对于你本身不满意的地方。When you see traits in others you loath , it is possible that you are seeing the part of youself that you detest.