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来游戏上冻了,为BBS也很高兴。I was very glad to come in BBS.

我在留言版上读到了一些雷人的新闻。I read some startling news today on BBS.

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那为什么我们就不能中文在英文论坛?Then why can't we Chinese in English BBS?

工作室中文专业论坛创建了!After voting, we have decided to create a BBS.

这些资源都是博主辛苦去论坛等地方挖的!These resources are blogger hard to dig the BBS etc place!

本论坛是最具专业水准的斗鸡网站。This BBS is the most professional website about cockfighting.

首先,应充分利用学校求职BBS以及职业中心。First, makegood use of the university’s job BBS and career center.

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在网络论坛上,关于“补觉无用”的帖子确实。In the BBS network, about "sleep" post indeed mancdfds. com useless.

建立雇主品牌战略成为未来中国饭店人力资源管理战略变革的方向。BBS is the way of human resource strategy reforming for China hotels.

提供中文论坛,新闻和生活信息。BC Chinese, providing news, bbs and lifestyle information in Chinese.

在运动人的上版论坛上找到了照片,把它也转到我的博客中来。I found the photo on the old version's BBS then copied it to my blog.

我已经将将战列舰转向南并改组我的驱逐舰从旁边分开。I have turned my BBs south and shuffle the DDs to the disengaged side.

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我还希望,一旦感染,它使“铜紫荆星章的公告牌系统”。I also wanted, once contracted, it gives "BBS" for Bulletin Board System.

双方距离非常的接近我的战列舰一次一次地击中德舰。The range was quite close and my BBs hit the German ships again and again.

我一般晚上都在研究室,明天下午也在研究室。Can you tell me the room number of research lab withe-mail on xiaochun BBS?

当我和论坛中的人们交流时,我不常看他们的性别。When I interact with people on the bbs , I do not usually see their gender.

当然,对于企业,BBS营销更要专也精。Of course, for enterprise, BBS also marketing professionals want more precision.

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原来BBS这种家酿国际互联网是原始的,但很快被证明是革命性的。The original home-brewed internet, BBS was primitive but quickly proved revolutionary.

“钉子户”的图片已在电子布告系统和主流媒体上广泛传播。The picture of the "nail house" has been widely spread via BBS and the mainstream media.

没有版主大巴山的理解和耐心,我不能完成这个事情!I could not have done this without the patience and understanding of BBS Editor Dabashan.