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简直就是个猪圈。A real sty.

它是真实的。It was real.

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我们是真实的。We are real.

一所真正的大屋。A real house.

假如那是真爱。If it is real.

我是个真正的警察。I'm a real cop.

真是一种特权。Real privilege.

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还是老老实实的买一匹真正的马吧。Get a real horse.

他是一个实反的豪杰!He's a real hero!

塔克西斯是真的。Takhisis is real.

这是真丝的吗?Is this real silk?

男子汉都该吃肉Real men eat meat.

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你真够朋友。You’re a real pal.

他是个一流人才。He is a real daisy.

它是真皮的吗?Is it real leather?

这辆是真车吗?。Is that a real car?

那是一棵真正的树。It was a real tree!

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真正的纤夫!Real boat tracker !

真正的敬拜是要付代价的。Real worship costs.

这是一头真正的小猪。This is a real one.