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但我完全不同意伊斯兰原教旨主义有关解放的潜力的思想。But I reject totally the idea of Islamic fundamentalism's emancipatory potential.

流行文化不只是承载主流意识形态的工具,流行文化亦是一种解放的文化资源。On the contrary, it should be taken as a cultural resource of emancipatory possibilities.

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理论必须在个人生活中找到根基才能起到解放的作用。Only when theory finds foundation in the individual's life can it start an emancipatory process.

解放政治把未来的尖利的末端楔进了现实的心脏中。Emancipatory politics inserts the thin end of the wedge of the futureinto the heart of the present.

或者,换句话说,社会主义应成为千百万人的自由解放工程。Or to put it differently, socialism has to be a liberatory and emancipatory project for tens of millions.

善于在解放思想中统一思想,用发展着的马克思主义指导新的实践。Be good at uniting a thought in emancipatory thought, with the practice with developing Marxism new guidance.

在此基础上,提出了以培养学生的批判意识为目的的“解放”的课程目标。Based on these opinions, they put forward " emancipatory " objective of training students" critical awareness.

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这类射灯光线适度,开关方便,让你的眼睛得到解放。This kind of light ejaculation the light is measurable, switch is convenient, the eye that lets you gets emancipatory.

只有在这样的背景之下,我们才能够明确的表示出那隔离东方智慧与基督教解放逻辑的鸿沟。It is only against this background that we can formulate the gap that separates oriental wisdom from Christian emancipatory logic.

以这一分析模式为基础,接下去分析了启蒙运动以来反映在社会变迁向度上的解放追求所导致的各种悖论性后果。So on the bases of the analyses of Giddens' Structuration Theory, this part construed the models of the emancipatory politics thoroughly.

平常心面对,人生谁都有不如意。多出去玩玩,解放心情,吃点有助于这方面的药物。Common heart is faced, everybody has life as meaning. Go out to play more, emancipatory mood, have bit of remedy that conduces to this respect.

为促进教师专业化,教师专业发展要由“技术兴趣”提升到“解放兴趣”。In order to promote the specialization, teachers' professional development should be upgraded from "technical interest" to "emancipatory interest".

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本文的基调是乐观的、积极的,在文章的最后一部分对生活政治与解放政治的关系进行了初步探讨。The general tone of the thesis is optimistic. In the final part of it, the relation between life politics and emancipatory politics is discussed too.

更成为对持续一年多来广东省“解放思想,推进发展模式变革”的一种落实。More become save to coming to Guangdong one many year continuously " emancipatory thought, advance development mode to change " one kind is fulfilled.

穿了十几年的解放鞋踏在水泥铺就的、但只剩石子的路上,咯着脚掌很有感慨。The emancipatory shoe that wore ten years steps to be spread in cement, but on the road of remnant cobble, cough up is worn sole has feeling very much.

为此,吉登斯提出了生活政治的设想,以实现对解放政治的超越和对高度现代性社会的重建。Therefore, Giddens advances an ideal blueprint of life politics, which tends to surmount the emancipatory politics and rebuild the high-modernity society.

解放初期,安徽省公路交通极为落后,全省仅有晴通雨阻公路2088km。Emancipatory initial stage, traffic of highway of the Anhui province is very backward, save only fine to connect 2088km of pluvial block highway completely.

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他同样认为市场是开放的且具掠夺性的,帮助男人和女人从对官员和主人的依赖中解放出来。He also considered thatmarkets had been emancipatory as well as exploitative, helping to free men andwomen from their previous dependence on lords and masters.

他认为资产阶级文化中最好的一部分包含了对资产阶级社会的控诉和对一个获得解放的更美好社会的愿望。Marcuse thought that the best of the bourgeois tradition of art contained powerful indictments of bourgeois society and emancipatory visions of a better society.

当然,责任可能不能全怪他们,我们在解放表达权方面,可能更需要进步一些。Of course, responsibility cannot blame them possibly completely, we counterpoise in emancipatory expression respect, the likelihood needs to progress more a few.