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有儿科专家吗?来帮帮我啊?Is there paediatrics expert? Will help me?

认知-行为疗法与儿科密切相关?。How Relevant is Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy in Paediatrics ?

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鲁毅兹的儿子达各,最近住在医院的小儿科病房里。Hector Ruiz's son Diego is currently in the paediatrics ward at the hospital.

大学委任伍百祥教授为儿科讲座教授,任期由二零零五年十月一日起生效。Prof. Ng Pak-cheung has been appointed professor of paediatrics from 1st October 2005.

目的了解心腔心内膜临时起搏治疗在儿科的应用。Objective To evaluate the therapeutic role of temporary endocardiac pacing in paediatrics.

英国皇家儿科医学院强烈支持妇女在怀孕期内服用叶酸。The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health strongly supports the use of folic acid in pregnancy.

对发热性病证的治疗方面经验独具,疗效显著,并擅长以和解分消兼融法辨治内、妇、儿科疑难杂症。He is good at treating question diseases such as internal medicine, department of gynecology and paediatrics.

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目的探讨儿科门诊分诊护士沟通的技巧。Objective To explore nurses' techniques in communicating with patients in paediatrics out-patient clinic triage.

皇家儿科学及健康学院的人们应该对这个问题有着更为切合实际的想法。People like those at the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health should be more realistic about what is possible.

医生的严重缺乏表现在农村地区或是某些专业上,比如外科、儿科和妇产科。Shortages of doctors are severe in rural areas and in certain specialities, such as surgery, paediatrics and obstetrics.

方法总结儿科门诊分诊护士在进行语言性和非语言性沟通的技巧。Methods Lingual and non-lingual techniques in communicating with patients in paediatrics out-patient clinic triage were summarized.

穿过走廊你会看见一个指示牌,会告诉你儿科的具体位置,在二楼。Go along that corridor and then you will see a sign, which will lead you to the department of paediatrics. It's on the second floor.

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幼童也应该避免和这些动物在宠物动物园或者其他地方进行接触。Young children should also avoid contact with these animals in petting zoos or elsewhere, says the American Academy of Paediatrics report.

儿科领域如小儿肺炎、新生儿腹泻等儿科常见病的处理及儿童保健。Paediatrics domain is like children pneumonic, new student the processing of the paediatrics and common disease such as diarrhoea and children health care.

以北京中医研究院传统医学资料库为研究材料,搜集篇名属中医儿科临床议题之文章进行分析。All literature found in the medical journal database of Beijing Research Institute of TCM with titles pertaining to clinical paediatrics in TCM were investigated.

市中医医院儿科专家王霞芳告诉记者,从健康角度而言,油炸食品不宜多吃。Paediatrics expert Wang Xiafang tells hospital of city traditional Chinese medical science the reporter, from healthy angle character, deepfry food is unfavorable eat more.

青少年医学和儿科档案杂志报道说,研究是基于对中国1000名平均年龄在15周岁患有抑郁和精神紧张的青少年调查得来。The study assessed 1,000 teenagers in China with an average age of 15 years for depression and anxiety, reports the journal Archives of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine.

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青少年医学和儿科档案杂志报道说,研究是基于对中国1000名平均年龄在15周岁患有抑郁和精神紧张的青少年调查得来。The study assessed 1, 000 teenagers in China with an average age of 15 years for depression and anxiety, reports the journal Archives of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine.

目的了解医院儿科住院患者的抗菌药物使用情况,为抗菌药物的合理使用和科学管理提供依据。Objective To observe the antibacterial use in paediatrics of PLA General Hospital and to provide the information about rational drug use and scientific antibacterial supervision measures.