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冰雹无情地打下来。Haill lashed down mercilessly.

人非草木、岂能无情。People can not trees, mercilessly.

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太阳无情地烧烤着我们。The sun is roasting us mercilessly.

影片对旧社会进行了无情的鞭挞。The film mercilessly castigates the old society.

我能像男人一样狠狠地宰猪并收拾干净。I can kill and clean a hog as mercilessly as a man.

它向人们肆意地倾泻无情。It caving in to people indiscriminately mercilessly.

她毫不留情地剥掉这个伪君子的画皮。She ripped off the mask of the hypocrite mercilessly.

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我的梦狠狠碎过,我决不会忘。I have dream mercilessly crushed, I will never forget.

早先在澳大利亚,人们无情地抽打犯人。Convicts were mercilessly flogged in Australia's early days.

奥塞罗爱妻子但却残忍地扼死了妻子并终于自杀。Othello loves his wife Desdemona, but throttles her mercilessly.

他的漫画无情地讽刺了当今的政界要人。His cartoons mercilessly lampoon the leading politician of the day.

其实你不必完成清单上所有事情的——果断的将它们删掉吧。You don’t need to do everything on your list — slash it mercilessly.

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然而无情和库斯科插入子宫口暴露。However Cuzco inserted mercilessly and the uterine ostium is exposed.

落花本来有意,流水本也无情。The fallen petal originally intentionally, water Ben also mercilessly.

爸爸知道后,狠狠地打我一顿,那时我真狠他。After the father knows, mercilessly beat me dinner, when I Zhenhen him.

在孩提时代,画家Torrigiano曾无情地被米开朗基罗取笑过。As a boy the painter Torrigiano was mercilessly teased by Michelangelo.

不论对喜欢还是不喜欢的人,我们都无情地嘲笑。We mercilessly take the piss out of people we like or dislike basically.

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你,如同一位死神,无情地剥夺了绝望者的灵魂。You, like a god of death, mercilessly deprived the soul of the desperate.

我看到他丧心病狂地刺死了那个小姑娘,并把她大卸八块。I saw him mercilessly stab the little girl to death, and dissect her body.

妈妈哭了,我真的生气了,我打电话给她,狠狠地骂了她一顿。Mother crying, I'm really angry, I call her, mercilessly scolded her meal.