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格律耶尔干酪气孔多是由于通风所致。The holes in Gruyere are due to aeration.

这是为了避免因曝气而引起的飞沫传播。This is to avoid aeration caused by droplets.

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提高效率的水泵和曝气系统,。Increase efficiency of pumping and aeration systems,.

这是一个造纸厂的水流处理曝气池。This is a waste treatment aeration pond at a paper mill.

从料箱的底部吹入空气使物料流化。Aeration from the bottom of the bin fluidizes the charge.

离子发生器也有助于通风和清洁空气。Also an ionizer is helpful for aeration and air cleansing.

其关键部件是膜片微孔曝气分布器。The key part is the distribution of membrane aeration bioreactor.

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包气带水是地球水体的重要组成部分。The aeration zone water is an important part the globe water body.

这对水分移动,渗透度及通气性有不利影响。This adversely affects water movement, permeability, and aeration.

邮局充气–空气擦亮在液态的冲洗末端之后继续。Post aeration – Air scouring continues after the liquid backwash ends.

该机双通道叶轮设计可获得较高充气量。The double passage impeller's design of this cell can gain more aeration.

潮沟附近土壤通气条件较好。The optimal aeration condition is also found occurring near the tidal creek.

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装瓶之前可以通过通风和加入铜粉来进行补救。Before bottling this can usually be remedied by aeration of addition of copper.

并阐明了降低通风系统压力损失的主要途径。The main way to reduce the pressure loss in aeration system was also elaborated.

潜水面与地表之间的地带称为饱气带。The zone between the water table and the surface is called the zone of aeration.

当这种作用发生在瓶中,长时间的通风有时可以除去其还原气味。When it develops in bottle, vigorous aeration sometimes removes the reduced smell.

通风允许气体分隔开细胞,以便它们可更容易被滋养或排毒。Aeration allows gas to separate cells so that they more easily be fed or detoxified.

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球道中积水井盖上散落的淤泥算不算散置障碍物?Are plugs of compacted soil produced through aeration of fairways loose impediments?

包气带可以更有效地作为一个单一的水分连续介质来看待。The zone of aeration may be treated more efficiently as a single moisture continuum.

射流曝气技术的应用与完善,有赖于射流曝气器的研制与发展。The technology of jet aeration depends on the research and development of jet aerator.