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我记得六年前在图桑市的一个晚上。I remember this one night in Tucson six years ago.

但图森市的悲剧给了我们一个停止争论的理由。But there’s a reason the tragedy in Tucson gave us pause.

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火焰吞噬着他从土桑市跟随而来的破破烂烂的路标线。Flame lit the broken white line he had followed from Tucson.

途胜主张以出游和驾驶综合的快乐!Tucson advocate a comprehensive domestic tourists and driving pleasure!

他和他的妻子,住在亚利桑那州的图森,有五个孩子。He and his wife, Sande, live in Tucson , Arizona. They have five children.

途胜在外观上依然延续了动感时尚的设计风格。Tucson appearance in a dynamic fashion is still continuation of the design.

然而,关于图森大屠杀早期的报导及评论将事件真相掩盖了下来。Yet the early coverage and commentary of the Tucson massacre suppressed this evidence.

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但是,大部分来自喧嚣以外的一个记者在家中图森Loughner人群。But most of the bustle came from a throng of reporters outside the Loughner home in Tucson.

今天我们在土桑市所看到的奥巴马将是全新意义上的,甚至将是他总统任期内最宝贵的时刻。What we saw from Obama in Tucson will be a defining, even cherished moment in his presidency.

建议者正在重新编组并且指出他们期待为土孙追求栏杆经过。Proponents are regrouping and indicate they expect to continue pursuing rail transit for Tucson.

在该州的凤凰城和图森,每天都有170以上的新家在开工建造。More thn 170 new homes re being built in Phoenix nd Tucson every dy, nd they re crowding out the flor.

与此同时,乔治·沃后拉,一个图森市当地的自行车运动员,正专注于帮助他妻子做乳腺癌的康复。At the time, George Varhola Jr., a fellow Tucson cyclist, was focused on his wife’s recovery from breast cancer.

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据枪支经销商说,人们因为恐惧购买枪支的需求明显上升,图森枪击事件紧缩枪支法律。To hear gun dealers tell it, demand went up because of fears that the Tucson shooting might lead to tighter gun laws.

奥巴马昨天在土桑市的演讲成功的做到了这一点,丝毫不比比尔•克林顿1995年在俄克拉何马州所做的逊色。Obama ascended to that role in Tucson yesterday, with no less aplomb than Bill Clinton summoned in Oklahoma City in 1995.

通过重新设计现代途胜和起亚狮跑的顶部,韩国的汽车厂商已经可以两者同时赢得好的检测结果。By redesigning the roofs of the Hyundai Tucson and Kia Sportage, the Korean automaker was able to earn a good rating for both.

两年前——2009年——当我妻子搬出我们在图森的家时,我的心情糟糕透了,要知道我们从高中就在一起,已经12年了。When my wife of almost 12 years moved out of our Tucson home in 2009 I was in bad shape. We had been together since high school.

图森的丽萨艾碧醒来后心烦意乱,她梦里的主角是丈夫,她知道自己的婚姻将要发生变化。Lisa Espich of Tucson woke so deeply disturbed by a dream featuring her husband that she knew her marriage would never be the same.

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车队护送吉佛兹从图桑市的医院前往一个空军基地时,许多人列道两旁。People lined the streets as a motorcade ferried congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords from the hospital in Tucson to a military airbase.

图森市一家油漆店的工人汤姆·博伊尔双手抓住那辆雪佛兰轿车并将其举起,使肇事司机将受伤的骑车人拖了出来。Tucson paintshop worker Tom Boyle grabbed the Chevrolet Camaro car and lifted it, allowing the driver to haul the injured cyclist clear.

但是金佰利的大都会图森会议及旅游局的施密茨表示,抵制不会解决移民问题。But Kimberly Schmitz of the Metropolitan Tucson Convention and Visitor's Bureau says the boycotts will not resolve the issue of immigration.