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你从何途径认识本谘询计划?How do you know about this consultative scheme?

苏州市因私出入境咨询服务中心欢迎您!Welcome to Suzhou Exit-Entry Consultative Center!

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泷泽西亚咨源是一个美商独资咨询公司。Takizawa Zexi Ya consultative sole source is a U. S. consulting firm.

在此沟通和交流过程后,一个精炼的计划就会付诸实施。After this consultative process, a refined Plan was then put into practice.

这对即将开始建设的青岛市CBD的发展,有一定的参考价值。It has consultative value for the development of CBD that is oncoming in Qingdao.

这对实际的中庭防火设计与审核工作具有参考作用。This will be consultative for fireproof design and will be useful for real atrium.

2000年以来,中科院学部共向政府提交了120份咨询报告。Since 2000, ADCAS has submitted 120 consultative reports to the central government.

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签了的协议,需要更改,应当经得协议双方同意。Signed agreement, need to change, ought to agree via getting consultative both sides.

当天的演讲在具有浓郁阿拉伯特色的协商会议大厦举行。Hu delivered the speech at the Consultative Council building with strong Arab feature.

过去的一周里在七个咨询小组的支持下完成的工作,是向前迈出的坚实的一步。The work done this week, supported by the seven consultative groups, is a solid step forward.

在接到恩森的垂询电话后,我们第一时间到达了恩森总部,第一次见到了辛建树先生。Once got the Consultative call from JS-CHEM Company, we arrive at its headquarter in HuangYan.

各咨议党与合作组织有发言权,但不参与投票表决。Consultative parties and associated organisations shall have the right to speak but not to vote.

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曾任澳门基本法咨询委员会常务委员。Once a member of the Standing Committee of the Consultative Committee for the Basic Law of MSAR.

中国人民政治协商会议委员张晓梅支持改革。Zhang Xiaomei, a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, supports reform.

斯塔克对组织成员了如指掌,因此,他的洽商式领导才成为可能。Intimate knowledge of the Stark organization makes possible Robb's consultative style of leadership.

在这个基础上,召开了今天的人民政治面目协商会议。And it is on this foundation that the present People's Political Consultative Conference is convened.

CCSDS图像压缩算法是空间数据系统咨询委员会提出的图像数据压缩算法。CCSDS image compression algorithm is put forward by the Consultative Committee for Space Data System.

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全国人民所渴望的政治协商会议现在开幕了。The Political Consultative Conference so eagerly awaited by the whole nation is herewith inaugurated.

全国人民所渴望的政治协商会以现在开幕了。The political consultative conference so eagerly awaited by the whole nation is herewith inaugurated.

江西省政协主席傅克诚与郑元豹董事长合影留念。Fu Kecheng, chairperson of Jiangxi Political Consultative Conference and Board chairman Zheng Yuanbao.