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用常识去推理。Use common sense.

拿普通的痒来说吧。Take the common itch.

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这些都已是常识。This was common sense.

常识是瞎扯。Common sense is baloney.

这首歌太俗了。This song is too common.

冬天,中岛幸惠是很常见的。Snow is common in winter.

凡夫之人,亦复如是。So are the common people.

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我们相信常识。We trust in common senes.

彗星样的行星普通吗?Comet-like Planets Common?

最常见的借口是什么?What is the common excuse?

我靠常识判断。I judge it by common sense.

这在生活中俯拾皆是。This is common in our life.

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常见的误区是什么?What is the common mistake?

精神疾病是常见病。Mental disorders are common.

这是更普通的一种写法。That's the more common term.

这是一个公共约定。This is a common convention.

它们有什么共同点?What do they have in common?

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那他们有什么共同点呢?What do they have in common?

在这个地方,驴车是很常见的,但是这辆驴车却不同。Donkey carts are common here.

是我们常用的口语词。It is a common colloquialism.