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相比之下,福田康夫有参拜神庙的家庭传统。Mr Fukuda, by contrast, has a family legacy to enshrine.

它应该是保存字词基本意义的神龛。It is supposed to enshrine the words that actually mean things.

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我们将以法律的形式确定它们以便有一个可信度,”拉梅什说道。We will enshrine that into law so that there is a degree of credibility.

而在2004年,中国将私有产权神圣不可侵犯写入宪法。In 2004 China changed the country's constitution to enshrine private-property rights.

在这里,在庄严的纪念日到来之际,我们建立这座纪念园,永久寄托我们对受害者的哀思。And here, on this solemn anniversary, we dedicate a memorial that will enshrine their memory for all time.

我国福建省泉州开元寺和山西省大同华严寺,即供奉以上五尊主尊佛。The Kaiyuan Temple of Quanzhou, Fujiang and the Huayan Temple of Datong, Shanxi enshrine the five Buddhas.

各国在林业领域做出的承诺被正式写进“森林原则”及第21世纪议程第11章。The 'Forest Principles' and Chapter 11 of Agenda 21 enshrine the commitments made by nations in the forestry domain.

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然而作为一个前战地记者,我厌恶以这种病态的伤感来铭记我们之中的死者。But, as a former war reporter myself, I recoil from the mawkish sentimentality with which we enshrine our casualties.

当利亚人建设一个真正公平的社会时,必须尊重社会各阶层妇女的权利和作用。And as Libyans forge a society that is truly just, let it enshrine the rights and role of women at all levels of society.

只有我明白你说这句话时内心有多痛,我也把你这句话永远地记在脑海里。It is me who can truly understand how painful you felt at speaking this sentence. And I will enshrine it in my mind forever.

佛寺始建于公元537年,用于供奉从印度带回的佛骨舍利。The Temple of the Six Banyan Trees, the Buddhist temple, was built in 537AD to enshrine Buddhist relics brought over from India.

这实在是件有挪威特色的事情,还有其他国家会给心爱的船只建个公墓并且长年供奉着它们吗?It's a Norwegian thing—what other country would build public crypts around its most beloved boats and enshrine them for the ages?

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兴建佛塔本来目的是为安置佛陀的舍利子,因而佛塔是佛陀证悟意的表征。Originally, stupas were built to enshrine the relics of the Buddha, and they serve as symbolic representations of the Buddha's enlightened mind.

如果下个月在哥本哈根举行的气候会谈可以达成这样的一个承诺,这将是最重大和最持久的成就之一。If next month's climate talks in Copenhagen can enshrine such a commitment, it would be one of its most significant and long-lasting achievements.

这里的建筑是是依照“曼荼罗”进行设计,以展现佛教与宇宙的关系。It represents the mythical Mount Meru, center of the universe, which is the heavenly abode build by the God Indra to enshrine relics of the Buddha.

相反,他们提议召开更多会议并呼吁所有欧洲国家在他们的宪法中,奉行一个不明智的平衡预算——黄金法则。Instead, they proposed more meetings and called on all European nations to enshrine an ill-advised “golden rule” of balanced budgets in their constitutions.

中国的统治者们跟书籍的关系错综复杂,鼓励人们神话官方的思想个历史而禁止或者直接摧毁其他的。Chinese rulers have long had a complicated relationship with books, promoting ones that enshrine official thought and history while banning or destroying others.

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在将其安置到指示板应用程序之前,必须手动生成此指标或使用一个电子表格来进行一些示例计算的测试。Either manually generate the metric or use a spreadsheet to assist in testing some example calculations before you enshrine it within your dashboard application.

包括eBay,Skype和和Yahoo在内的相当数量的互联网公司在本月早些时候曾跟Vaizey写信请求他将网络中立原则加入法律章程中去。A number of internet companies, including eBay, Skype and Yahoo wrote to Vaizey earlier this month urging him to enshrine the principles of net neutrality into law.

萨科齐表示,若他们的提案得以采纳,欧元区国家的政府就必须在各自宪法中纳入限制赤字的规定.Sarkozy said that if adopted, their proposal that euro zone governments should enshrine deficit-limiting rules into their constitutions would be obligatory, not optional.