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但是在云中存在编码吗?But coding in the cloud?

可变速率编码?。VRC? Variable Rate Coding?

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然后把它写成html代码。Then start coding it into html.

参见编码链。Sense strand --- See coding strand.

消除了基于浏览器的编码Elimination of browser-specific coding

你每天花多少时间在编程上面?How much ofyour day do you spend coding?

世界喷码与打标技术的先导!Leading the World in Coding and Marking!

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私营部门仅是必要的。没有HTML或另一种编码。PSD ONLY is needed. No HTML or other Coding.

修正Bwf格式中编码历史字段的错误。The coding history in the BWF chunk was wrong.

我制作的好的表格,甚至还会标上颜色。At my finest, I can even be found color coding.

萨卡尔记得,“有一天晚上,我们在编程。"We were coding one night, " Sarkar remembered.

检测是编码标准的补充。Supplementary to coding standards is inspection.

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它不但有著高的压缩倍率,更有著丰富的功能。It has high coding gain and rich functionalities.

他们在帕洛阿尔托租了一个工作场地,开始工作。They got a place in Palo Alto and started coding.

比固定大小的缓冲区方法更简单的代码编写Simpler coding than the fixed-size buffer approach

四个棘手的IOCP编码问题和解决方法Four thorny IOCP coding hassles and their solutions

确保领出物品代码的正确性。Ensure the proper coding of store item requisitions.

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莫尔斯码是传统的无线电报编码,有着广泛的应用。Morse code is a coding method, which is used widely.

本发明揭示一种用于声频编码之方法及装置。A method and a device for audio coding are disclosed.

本文提出了一种新的图像压缩编码方案。A new scheme for image compression coding is proposed.