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他们很可能推翻选举结果。They may well overturn the result.

我将按照要求把馅饼翻个个儿。I will overturn the pies as required.

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不准用货叉挑翻货盘的方法取货。Never use the fork to overturn the pallet.

能让国产手机打赢翻身仗吗?。CDMA, Can It Make National Handsets Win an Overturn Fight?

革命者计划推翻傀儡政府。Some high-ranking officers plotted to overturn the government.

我们绝不可为了满足它的习惯而推翻全部安排。We cannot overturn the whole scheme to accommodate the buzzard.

这是许多滚装船发生倾覆的重要原因之一。This is one of the important reasons for overturn of ro-ro ships.

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有关当局说,恶劣天气可能导致此次翻船。Authorities say bad weather may have caused the vessel to overturn.

这是许多滚装船发生倾覆的重要原因之一。This is one of the important reasons for overturn of the ro-ro ships.

一个立法试图推翻这项禁令失败在美国参议院上个月。A legislative attempt to overturn the ban failed in the US Senate last month.

甘地从未停止尝试推翻西方现代化的偏见。Gandhi never ceased trying to overturn these prejudices of Western modernity.

人们走上街头,要求推翻巴列维王朝。People marched on the streets asking for the overturn of the Pahlavi dynasty.

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其一,转变架构就是摆在架子上的文档的错误观念。The first is to overturn the idea that architecture means shelfware documents.

这个人将推翻这个数十年的旧体制,这是一场不可行的革命。The man who would overturn this decades-old system is an unlikely revolutionary.

他那时并没有想自己会颠覆这个原本属于全世界学校负责人的权力。He wasn't trying to overturn the prerogatives of heads of school around the world.

学还可能推翻整个理论,但就目前而言,”专家们“还没那样看。Science may yet overturn the whole theory, but for now, the smart money says otherwise.

位于吉森的地方政府出面警告说它会否决该法令。The regional government in Giessen stepped in and warned that it would overturn the rule.

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其二是想纠正一个误解——敏捷与架构水火不容。The second is to overturn the misperception that agile and architecture are incompatible.

有时候,平明百姓也能推翻专家预测。Just occasionally, the power of ordinary people can overturn the certainties of the experts.

在地震荷载作用下,大佛陡崖松动岩体存在向外倾覆崩落的危险。Moreover, the loosened rock mass of the steep slope has the overturn risk under seismic load.