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我喜欢大灰熊。I like the grizzly bear.

我会是头大灰熊吗?I might be a grizzly bear?

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我就是一头又大又笨的大野熊。I'm just a great big grizzly bear.

我笑得像一只大灰熊。I said grinning like a grizzly bear.

灰熊母亲正招呼自己的孩子。A mother grizzly bear greets her cub.

大灰熊的名字是怎么得来的?。How did the grizzly bear get it name?

随后,灰熊队将他裁掉。Afterward, the grizzly bears team cuts him.

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先是我被灰熊袭击。现在又轮到你。First I was victimized by a grizzly and now you.

一只灰熊趴在木头上一边休息一边晾干那已经湿透的毛。A wet grizzly takes a break and dries off on a log.

美国鼻烟公司制造的品牌有灰熊和科迪亚克。American Snuff makes the Grizzly and Kodiak brands.

突然间,老灰熊给棕色熊一个重重的推撞。Then suddenly, Old Grizzly gave Brown Bear a big shove.

当布雷恩·布塔诺在阿尔卑斯山和大灰熊搏斗时。When Brian Boitano was in the Alps fighting grizzly bears.

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在密涅瓦女神的脚边,站立的是加利福尼亚灰熊。At the feet of Minerva, stands the California grizzly bear.

是麦金利山、灰熊和野狼的家。McKinley and wild animals such as grizzly bears and wolves.

一对灰熊在圣迭哥闪亮登场。A pair of grizzly bears are making their debuts in SanDiego.

我们刚走了几步,灰熊抬起头看见了我们。We went a few steps when the grizzly looked up and spotted us.

他转身一看,看见一只7英尺高的灰熊向他冲来。He turned to look. He saw a 7-foot grizzly bear charge towards him.

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老灰熊说,「因为你不可能赢的,我才会是赢家!」"Good! " said Old Grizzly. "Because you're not going to win. I am! "

我送给侄女一只玩具大灰熊作为她是生日礼物。I sent my niece a doll of a great grizzly bear as her birthday present.

对那些不会动心的人们而言,这里有一种不那么灰暗的选择。For those who won't be swayed, there is hope for less grizzly alternative.