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“绝对无误,”他回答说,而Manu也点了点头。“Absolutely,” he replied, as Manu nodded.

然后让我很愉快的是,Jim和Manu也被带来了。Then, to my delight, Jim and Manu were brought in.

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马努是个好前锋,但我们不能带六个前锋。Manu is a good striker. We can’t carry six strikers.

Manu后来告诉我,“别往心里去。Manu would later tell me, “Don’t take it personally.

曼努在球队里深受大家喜爱,他是一个好小伙。Manu is really loved inside the team and he is a good boy.

巴蒂尔和斯通在外线防守曼努和帕克的时候太棒了。Shane and Rafer for their GREAT perimeter defense on Manu and Tony.

本文采用计算机图形学编制了菜单式典型图形平差程序。This paper relates to a manu program of the typical figures adjustment.

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曼努-吉诺比利得到23分,托尼-帕克得到16分和8次助攻。Manu Ginobili scored 23 points, and Tony Parker had 16 points and 8 assists.

当阿穆归队时,他也要为他的位置而战斗。When Manu returns he will have to fight for his place in the first team too.

如果能克服雅典奥运会后的疲劳,那它将为孟菲斯灰熊队贡献一个魔鬼赛季。Could make a case for either Manu or Pau as the top hoopster of the 2004 Games.

圣安东尼奥马刺队的后卫曼努-吉诺比利1999年在第57顺位被选中。San Antonio guard Manu Ginobili was taken with the 57th pick in the 1999 draft.

目前,它包含超过13万册,手稿,以及缩微胶片。It currently contains more than 13 million volumes, manu scripts, and microfilms.

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这一次,Duncan的壮举将一直被铭记。This time, Duncan's heroics would still be remembered the morning after. Manu Gino

或者说马努吉诺比利,蒙塔埃利斯两杆快枪,还有谁能跟上他们的步伐呢?Or Manu Ginobili and Monta Ellis, two cat-quick guards who can fill it up with ease?

马卢-吉诺比例为马刺队得了23分,马刺队以赛季最低分结束了比赛。Manu Ginobili had 23 points for the Spurs, who finished with a season-low point total.

难道其他队就不比休斯顿更应该得到这个大号的吉诺比利?Shouldn't another team have out-bid Houston for this super-sized version of Manu Ginobili?

马努是在卡林顿,他希望去皇马,如果他们想带走他,他们当然可以。Manu is in Carrington. He wants to go to Real Madrid and if they want to take him, they can.

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马努吉洛比利获得球队最高的26分,托尼帕克再添17分,而蒂姆邓肯贡献16分。Manu Ginóbili led the Spurs with 26 points, Tony Parker added 17 and Tim Duncan chipped in 16.

勇士也希望从马刺换到阿根廷后卫吉诺比利,但我看马刺不可能放弃吉诺比利。The Warriors would like Manu Ginobili from the Spurs, but I can't see the Spurs parting with Manu.

这名性格活泼的前锋事是多哥国脚马努·苏努的儿子,他同样吸引了来自利物浦的兴趣。The lively forward, who is the son of ex-Togo international Manu Sunu, was also courted by Liverpool.