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同心圆的圆心是一个。The centres of concentric circles coincide.

同心加工和镜面抛光球。Concentric machined and mirror-polished ball.

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同心圆孔板是最经常使用的形式。The concentric orifice is most frequently used type.

一层层同心的虚无是我心的襁褓,裹着一口永不敲响的钟。Concentric nothingnesses swaddle my heart, a bell that never rings.

这就是他将其,称为同心圆的原因。So that's why he thinks it appropriate to call them concentric circles.

品味这时成了一系列同心圆,如同池塘里的水波。Instead tastes are a series of concentric rings, like ripples in a pond.

由一个同中心的半圆聚合物放置在金制膜层上构成的。It consists of concentric semicircles of a polymer laid down on a gold film.

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而女人则更倾向于从一个角落开始,然后以此为圆心向外扩张,或者直线向前。women tended to enter in one corner and search in concentric circles or lines.

萼片、花瓣、雄蕊和雌蕊同心排列构成完全花。Flowers are formed in concentric whorls of sepals, petals, stamens and carpels.

泵轴与电机轴采用对夹式连轴器连接,同心度高。Pump shaft and motor shaft coupling of the clip-on connection, concentric high.

许多设计更改日期的线索,可老天朗同轴双非常准确。Many design change clues that can date an old Tannoy Dual Concentric very accurately.

凡是由几个任意选点确定的球面都是同心面。The spherical surfaces defined by several arbitrarily chosen points are all concentric.

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培尔·金特的洋葱也是一个分形模型,是本质上相同的同轴形式,相当于A’a。Peer Gynt's onion is also a fractal, of the same essentially concentric form as the A'a.

通过图片上一圈圈从边缘向中心深入的台地的边线,可以辨认出几个矿坑。The mine pits are recognizable by the concentric lines of benches cut into the pit sides.

峰峦叠嶂此处风景独好,辉映九州兄弟勠力同心。Mountainous overlapping scenery here alone good, reflect kyushu brothers concentric force.

具有大致同心的等压线的低压区在技术上称为气旋。A region of low pressure with roughly concentric isobars is known technically as a cyclone.

两耳不闻窗外事,同心用心只看肥皂剧。In two ears do not hear out of the window, concentric intentions only watching soap operas.

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将气缸通入气源,观察阀门开、关转轴上法兰与轴座之间的钢印对准即可。Put air though cylinder and make the flange concentric with the valve seat of valve switch.

你们手上也有一份神圣性的同心圆,描绘了祭司体系中对于时间神圣性的概念。You have similar concentric circles of holiness characterizing the priestly conception of time.

天朗是享誉世界的创新,独特,非常准确探测双同心。Tannoy is famous worldwide for its innovative, unique and very accurate sounding Dual Concentric.