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如果新都市主义不解决问题,什么将会解决呢?If the New Urbanism Does Not Solve the Issue, What will?

高楼林立的都市生活使人们更渴望亲近自然。The urbanism with bristly high-rise makes people longs to be close to nature more.

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艾德里安•霍斯比是一位作家,涉猎包括建筑及城市化在内的多个领域。Adrian Hornsby is a writer on multiple subjects including architecture and urbanism.

令人惊讶的是,我们发现分区的缺乏可以产生意想不到的城市和建筑形式。Surprisingly, we found a lack of zoning can generate exceptional forms of urbanism and architecture.

这个科目藉由视觉艺术家的观点来接合建筑与都市生活的对话。This subject engages a dialogue with architecture and urbanism from the perspective of the visual artist.

新城市主义思想对当今城市规划领域产生了重要影响,其在区域规划中的运用也产生了积极的反响。New urbanism has a major impact on contemporary urban planning. It also has an active effect on regional planning.

通过建筑装潢的设计试图将熟悉的街头文化生活带入地下空间。Through the design architecture outfit sought to bring a familiar street-level urbanism into the subterranean space.

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没有魔法公式能够解释建筑物、建筑、毁坏、文化和都市生活对我们的吸引力。There is no magic formula explaining our attraction to architecture, construction, destruction, cultures and urbanism.

这时候也了解美国新城市主义,这影响了我后来在新加坡与中国的作品。I learnt about the American New Urbanism at this time, which influenced my works back home in Singapore and later China.

城市建设是个资本密集型工作,不仅仅是普通“使用者”那么简单。而使用者所生成的都市化不过是贫民窟的漂亮代名词罢了。Buildingcities is a capital intensive job, a job beyond an average "user". Auser-generated urbanism is just fancy name for a slum.

尽管农业和城市化紧密地相互依存,他们却历来被看作互不相关的领域。The domains of agriculture and urbanism have traditionally been seen as mutually exclusive de-spite their extreme interdependence.

中国社会在迈向工业化和城市化的进程中铁路的发展起着关键性的作用。It addresses the key role that the development of railway plays during the process when China steps into industrialism and urbanism.

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这个地点位于新城市的郊区,它周围房屋建筑风格的多样性形成了都市风格。The site is located at the outskirt of a new city in being urbanism with a variety of housing architecture styles in its surrounding.

我不懂北京的语言,但它确实很美,只要我不懂建筑和都市生活。I don’t read the language here in Beijing, but it is indeed beautiful. If only I didn’t know anything about architecture and urbanism.

此创意显然碳排放量更多,但公司宣传其将“创造一个真正活跃并相互连接的新陈代谢式的城市规划体系”。This idea is less obviously zero carbon, but the company claims it will "create a truly breathing, interconnected metabolic urbanism".

在20世纪80年代,美国兴起了创造和复兴城镇社区的新城市主义运动。In the 80's 20 centuries, the New Urbanism movement has risen which created and reconstructed town neighbored community in the United States.

“在法国,‘乡村’城市主义似乎坚决抵制着垂直城市,没有真正考虑其潜力,”工作室说道。"In France, 'village' urbanism seems to be adamantly resisting the vertical city, without truly considering its potential, " said the studio.

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伴随着城市规划建筑和城市化的景观设计,张显着主体与个体的个性。Blending individuality with collective responsibilities, connecting architecture with urbanism and turning urbanism into landscape architecture.

在整体造型上简约流畅,为人们在紧张忙碌的都市生活中开辟一块还原真我的自由空间。Contracted on integral modelling fluent , the open up in the urbanism that busies in insecurity for people together reductive true my free space.

喧嚣的城市如潮的人流和紧张的劳作,快节奏的都市生活使你不禁感到身心疲惫。The stream of people like tide mixes blatant city to work tensely , the urbanism of fast rhythm makes you can't help feeling exhaustion of body and mind.