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头上的这个代表月亮。And the headpiece represents the moon.

但我准备做一个蕾丝头饰…But I'm planning to make a headpiece of lace.

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它可以在屏幕政权头盔。It can work in the regime of screen headpiece.

而且他让女孩把他的头盔脱下戴到了自己头上。And let the girl put on the headpiece for herself.

戴上头盔,你就可以开始享受虚拟太空之旅。Put on your headpiece and you can start to enjoy virtual space travel.

使劲吹,一只手指放在竖笛顶部最上的气孔处,让油进入笛子顶处。Blow hard, holding a finger over the labium to spread the oil in the headpiece.

男子穿无领短衫、长裤,大多用白布或蓝布包头。Men wear a collarless short Chinese jacket, long trousers and white or blue headpiece.

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这种「头盔」可以帮助数百万为忧郁症所苦的病人,而且就像洗牙一样容易。This headpiece can help millions of depression sufferers and is as easy as teeth cleaning.

它有一个陀螺仪的头巾一样,所以你可以移动光标移动你的头。It has a gyroscope in the headpiece as well, so you can move your cursor by moving your head.

他们都穿不成型、没商标、古旧的白衣服,还戴着貌似帽子或头盔的东西。Kind of shapeless, kind of generic, timeless gowns. They also wear some kind of hat or headpiece.

Lincoln轻声敦促他弟弟回头查看,但头上的头罩禁锢着他,他无法说出声来。Lincoln quietly urges his brother to turn around, but the headpiece restraints restrict his speech.

见他目不转睛地盯着塔夫林上的头巾,我赶紧伸出手,拿走了这个人们所见过的最让人作呕的东西。I reached up and took off what had to be the most sickening tefillin headpiece anyone has ever seen.

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一个光头的应聘者,请求出去一下,几分钟后回来戴了一顶帽子。Balding Candidate excused himself and returned to the office a few minutes later wearing a headpiece.

古典吉他弦钮槽附近可以用一个小的骆驼毛画刷刷虫胶漆。The string slots of the classical guitar headpiece can be painted with shellac using a small camel-hair painters brush.

他们都穿不成型、没商标、古旧的白衣服,还戴著貌似帽子或头盔的东西。They are dressed in white gowns.Kind of shapeless, kind of generic, timeless gowns.They also wear some kind of hat or headpiece.

碧翠丝已经将这顶“独特的雕刻般的礼帽”通过网络拍卖的方式捐赠,收益用于儿童慈善机构。Now, Beatrice has donated the "unique sculptural celebratory headpiece" to be auctioned online, with proceeds to benefit charities for children.

在一场婚礼中头纱是新娘头饰中最为常见的一款,因此谈到个性就说不上了,那么哪些才是个性的新娘头饰呢?In a wedding veil is the bride's headdress in the most common a, so when it comes to personality is not the, what is personality bridal headpiece?

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见他目不转睛地盯着塔夫林上的头巾,我赶紧伸出手,拿走了这个人们所见过的最让人作呕的东西。He was staring at the headpiece of my tefillin. I reached up and took off what had to be the most sickening tefillin headpiece anyone has ever seen.

香港大牌演员梁梳着用了过量发胶的高发髻和顶结,顶着坚硬的头盔,看来很不舒服。Hong Kong actor Leung, usually ace, looks uncomfortable at best, not helped by a stiff headpiece with twin poufs and a top-knot that looked overworked with Brylcreem.