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层序I,为全新世松软沉积物。Sequence I is Holocene softy sediment.

全新世三角洲的形成和发育。Formation and development of the Holocene delta.

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渡渡鸟是全新世晚期不会飞翔的鸟类。Dodos are flightless birds from the late Holocene.

矿床赋存于全新统冲积层。This saphire deposit is occurred in the Holocene alluvium.

杭嘉湖平原地区广泛分布全新世地层。Holocene strata is widely distributed in Hangzhou-Jiaxin-Huzhou Plain.

简要地回顾了蒙古全新世气候变化研究。This article has a brief review on Holocene climate changes in Mongolia.

全新世中、晚期该区继续接受砂质沉积。Sandy materials were deposited continually during the middle and late Holocene.

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全新世与末次间冰期对比,总体气候变化较平缓。Comparing with last interglacial, the climate change in Holocene is more gently.

地球的历史是包含了许多不如全新世稳定温和的时期的。The planet’s history contains many less stable and clement eras than the Holocene.

这段时间可以认为是本地区全新世的气候最适宜期。This time interval can be considered as the climatic optimum of the Holocene in this region.

本文初步研究了郯庐断裂带泗洪孙牌坊区段全新世时期的活动性。This paper studied the activity along the Sihong segment of Tanlu fault zone during Holocene.

认为苏北古潮成沙体是全新世中后期海陆相互作用的产物。So , the old sand body is a result of the middle-late Holocene continental-oceanic interaction.

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层序I,由海槽西北部陆坡可以连续追踪至海槽区域,为全新世松软沉积物。Sequence I can be distinguished from the northwest slope to trough basin and is Holocene softy sediments.

全新世气候变化研究的策略之一就是不同时间分辨率的关键地点的选择。One strategy of Holocene climatic changes research is the select of key area to different time resolution.

以他的观点,人类在这个星球上特别是从全新世开始就占据了统治地位。in his view, humans have been the dominant force on the planet practically since the start of the Holocene.

近一万年来,人类文明发展到新的水平,我们的世界看起来似乎无边无际。For nearly 10,000 years—since the dawn of civilization and the Holocene era—our world seemed unimaginably large.

在河南孟津地区发现全新世古土壤-黄土沉积剖面和湖沼相沉积剖面。A holocene paleosol-loess sediment profile and lacustrine sediment profile were found in Mengjin, Henan province.

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深海氧同位素第3阶段是末次冰期中的一段特殊时期,与全新世存在一定的相似性。The MIS 3 is a special period of the last glacial period and similar to the environment of Holocene on some ways.

郯庐断裂带潍坊—嘉山段全新世活断层由三个独立的破裂段组成。The Holocene fault in Weifang-Jiashan part of the Tanlu fault zone consists of three independent rupture segments.

晚更新世末长江门曾遭受了强烈的侵蚀,古河谷切割甚深。The Holocene sedimentary sequence fully developed due to the deep Late-Pleistocene valley of the Changjiang River.