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指出哪颗牙齿痛。Show me the painful tooth.

他有了一个充满磨砺的短途旅行。He had a painful excursion.

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这是一个凄美的故事。It is a very painful story.

为了避免这种痛苦的!To avoid that painful A-ha!

你的牙齿还痛吗?Is your tooth still painful?

那些日子伤口隐隐作痛。That day the painful wounds.

为什么寂寞如此痛苦?Why is loneliness so painful?

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你根本不知道会有多痛苦。You have no idea how painful.

涎腺肿胀、疼痛。Swollen, painful saliva glands.

一种死一般的寂静袭卷了人群。A painful hush seized the crowd.

我的牙齿又痛起来了。My tooth is painful up any more.

为什么泡沫破裂让我们如此痛苦不堪?Why was its bursting so painful?

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奋斗过后的痛苦莫过如此。After a painful struggle so much.

但这种敬畏却也是令印度人痛苦的。But it was a painful kind of awe.

那是一次最后的诀别。To me, parting is a painful thing.

我们也看到痛苦的挣扎。We also witnessed painful debacles.

沵给的痛,俄永远也忘不了。You give painful I always remember.

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这种背叛对我们来说是多么痛苦!How painful this betrayal is for us!

我的断腿疼得非常厉害。My broken leg was extremely painful.

没有写作的日子很难挨。The day of no writing is so painful.