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她给他迷人的一笑。She gave him a bewitching smile.

我给妳一个迷人的微笑。I will give you a bewitching smile.

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他们总有能力写出迷人的单曲。It was always their strength that they wrote bewitching singles.

清晨的黑暗更增添了几许迷人的色彩。The darkness of the early morning adds to the bewitching atmosphere.

她迷人的微笑阻止我进入伟大的超越。Her bewitching smile prevented me from passing into the Great Beyond.

在这混乱不堪的事故现场旁边却是世界上最夺人心魄的公路风光。The mayhem unfolds on one of the most bewitching stretches of scenery on all the earth.

紧张的情势之下一场人与妖的旷世大战即将开始。Under tight situation of a person and bewitching outstanding big fight is about to begin.

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只有生活在上流社会里的妇人失去丈夫后仍然保持迷人的样貌。It is only in higher circles that women can lose their husbands and yet remain bewitching.

狐妖附体在UIMI身体上,并收林海南为小弟。Fox bewitching appendages is on UIMI body, close little younger brother is south immense forest.

“杀领主,您怎么到这里来了。”胖老板一脸媚笑的来到杀痕身边。"Kill to get a lord, how did you come here. "The one face bewitching laugh of fat owner arrives at to kill a scar.

新月最不寻常也最迷人的部分,在13号的时候,海王星会带来耀眼的事情。The most unusual and bewitching part of the new moon, February 13, is that Neptune will create a very glamorous setting.

透过她的照片,我感觉自己仿佛置身于由迷雾牵引的,森林中魅惑的小路上。Looking through her photos, I feel like I am walking down that bewitching path in the woods, allowing the mist to guide me.

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他斩妖除魔,深入魔界获得魔灵,从而拉开了与魔界弘大的战争。His behead bewitching divides demon, thorough devildom obtains evil spirit, pulled open as grand as devildom battle thereby.

即便是自责她戏剧性的历程,也很难指控戴安娜是利用她外露的感情让一代人倾倒。Even at her most melodramatic she can hardly be accused of bewitching a whole generation into misplacing its stiff upper lip.

奥德修斯为了不让手下的船员被诱惑而触礁,他让手下的海员以白腊封住双耳。Odysseus had to stop up the ears of his men with wax so they wouldn't be lured onto the rocks by the Sirens' bewitching song.

子衿不由得又想起了凌傲的那位妖得过火的橱窗设计师汤米柳。Son Jin not from have to meditation of Ling Ao again of that is bewitching to get an intemperate showroom designer soup rice.

幽清的杏叶草香缓化为令人回味的柚木芬芳,令充满活力的你也无意中散发性感而又魅惑的气息。The delicate aroma of apricot grass relaxing to bewitching balm of leak tree turns the dynamic you subtly into sexy and alluring.

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小时侯在故事里总是听说沙漠里有海市蜃楼,便一直很向往,总想去看看海市蜃楼究竟有多么迷人。During my childhood, I was told that there was flyaway in desert and I have been longing for it. I want to know how bewitching it is.

虽然如此,在三月他还是回到了巅峰状态——帮助枪手在和曼联的联赛榜首之争中获胜。Nonetheless in spring he returned to his most bewitching form to help the Gunners overhaul United in the Premier League title run-in.

后来,“人工染色”的真相被揭穿,“蓝色妖姬”开始走下神坛扫去妖气。Later, "Artificial coloring " the truth by debunk, "Blue bewitching female singer " begin to step down spirit of evil of altar sweep off.