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战斗是铁砧的意志。Combat is the anvil of will!

它可以战斗三个半小时。It can combat for 3, 5 hours.

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他是徒手格斗的能手。He is an expert in unarmed combat.

于是一场争斗不可避免地爆发了。So a combat broke out unavoidably.

他们拥有一丁点儿熟练的战斗技能吗?Do they have any combat proficiency?

其次,需要打击地方主义。Second, the need to combat localism.

战争是一个会改变人生的经验。Combat is a life-changing experience.

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右满舵,全体战斗群!Full right turn! Entire Combat Group!

我问道你是否曾经参加国战斗。I ask if she has ever been in combat.

现在马克斯与玛吉只能孤身作战了。Now Max and maggie only alone combat.

所有的作战部队均已配备了头盔。The combat troops have been helmeted.

有一部关于它的武戏。Well, there's a combat play about it.

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记者访问了这位战斗英雄。A reporter interviewed the combat hero.

我们还必须克服恐惧和偏见。We must combat fears and prejudice too.

Randori需要在战斗中的策略。Randori requires strategy during combat.

她也喜欢散打和泰拳。She also like free combat and Muay Thai.

这些士兵刚结束战斗。These soldiers have just been in combat.

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部队正向战场开拔。Troops are moving up to the combat zone.

摔跤是一项徒手进行的格斗运动。Wresting is a form of empty-hand combat.

徒手进行的格斗运动。Werstling is a from of empty hand combat.