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我是个内向的人。I'm an introvert.

我就是一个性格内向的人。I’m an introvert.

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我是一个内向的人,这对我来说是一个问题。I have a problem. I’m an introvert.

作为一个内向的人并不意味着是件坏事情。Being an introvert isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

假如你是内倾型旳,那你就有麻烦喽。If you are an introvert type, you are in trouble.

我们用性格内向和外向的人举个例子。Let’s take the example of an introvert and an extrovert.

她比我更爱说话,但内心深处,她和我一样,是个内向的人。She talks more than I do, but deep down, she's really an introvert like me.

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不管你是内向的还是外向的,你都需要一个很强的社会网络。Whether you are an introvert or extrovert, you need a strong social network.

同样的交谈能让外向者荣光焕发,却让内向者精神颓靡。The same conversation that energizes the extravert also drains the introvert.

内向的人和外向的人在同时被放入两个同样的房间。The introvert and the extrovert are placed into 2 identical rooms at the same time.

但总的来说,总是会有某种占主导位置的性格特征让你被归为内向人群,或外向人群。But overall you probably lean more towards being either an extrovert or an introvert.

而外向的人经常觉得内向的人难以沟通、太保守或太冷淡。The extravert needs to learn to slow down, but the introvert needs to learn to speak up.

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我的妻子说我是一个典型的内向,这正让我的求职比尤为困难。My wife says I'm a classic introvert and that this is making my job hunt harder than normal.

你觉得你的个性是倾于外向,还是内向?This usage makes the extrovert and the introvert seem to stand for opposed personality types.

对于内敛之人,我会如对待病人般理解他们,可两者都一样,错过了太多生命的体验。I sympathize with the introvert as I would with the sickly, but both are missing a lot of life.

也就是说性格内向与脾气暴躁的人是植物神经失调、神经衰弱的高发人群。That is an introvert with a bad temper who is autonomic imbalance, neurasthenia, high-risk population.

她作为一个烦人的,好管闲事的内向的家伙得到的待遇,或者这也是让那些家伙麻烦的一部分。The price she paid for being a bossy, nosy introvert. Or maybe it was the part about pissing people off.

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在过去的7年里,我取得了很大的进步,下面是我这个内向的人对人际网络的了解。Over the last 7 years I’ve made a lot of progress. Here’s what I’ve learned about networking as an introvert.

在邦多,他一直和内向的年轻母亲打交道,她们生完孩子后又重返学校。He's been working with introvert teenage mothers in Bondo who are returning to school after having their babies.

如果我们参加了一个直到凌晨4点的聚会,即使你是清醒的,也许应该让内向的人载你回家。If you’re at a party ‘til 4 am, even if you’re sober, maybe it’s best to have an alert introvert drive you home.