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托尔金·韦克菲尔德说妇女们已经将此项目持续了18个月。Torkin Wakefield says the women spend up to 18 months in the program.

此时此刻,她知道他们在哪了——奥马哈印第安人居留地,威克费尔德东南大约50英里处。Now she knew where they were — on the Omaha Indian reservation, about 50 miles southeast of Wakefield.

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1998年,科研人员安德鲁·维克费尔德在一篇论文中提出疫苗和儿童自闭症之间存在关联。A 1998 paper by scientist Andrew Wakefield reported a connection between vaccinations and autism in children.

托尔金·韦克菲尔德表示妇女们花费在这个项目上的时间长达18个月。This is five times what they earned before. Torkin Wakefield says the women spend up to eighteen months in the program.

威克费尔德博士在电邮中回应说,他将继续为自己的研究辩护,包括他的调查结果和研究结论。In an emailed response, Dr. Wakefield says he continues to defend his research, both 'the findings and the conclusions.'

所以,Wakefield投出的球,有最大的波长,但是从可比性来讲,它实际仍未接近球的尺寸。So, in terms of wavelength, Wakefield has the largest wavelength, but in terms of being significant, we're still not even close.

韦克菲尔德夫人说她已进一步组织了一小群妇女和她一起工作,她们把做好的珠串卖给一个宗教团体。Wakefield says she has gone on to organize a small group of women who work with her, and they sell their beads to a religious group.

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与盖恩相反的是,佛罗里达维罗海滩的克里艾尔维尔毫不动摇的支持维克菲尔德的观点,认为对这些医生的批评是不公平的。In contrast, Keri Elwell of Vero Beach, Florida, was unwavering in her support for Wakefield and said the doctor was unfairly targeted.

举例来说,一对电浆尾迹场设备可以装置在史丹佛直线加速器的两端。For example, a pair of plasma wakefield devices could be installed on either side of the collision point of the Stanford Linear Collider.

现在受伤停赛的,投的很慢,因为他有一个很难处理的指节球,他不需要扔的很快。Tim Wakefield Tim Wakefield on the DL right now throws a lot slower, because he has that tricky knuckle ball, he doesn't need to throw as fast.

对共振和非共振情形下尾波场效应与相对论效应对强激光脉冲在稀薄等离子体中传输的影响作了详细比较。The relativistic effect and wakefield effect on the propagation of an intense laser pulse in plasma are compared in the resonant and non-resonant cases in detail.

从那时起其它研究没有表明这种联系。今年一月,英国医学总会发现维科菲尔德报告是虚假和误导人的。Other studies since then have failed to show such a link. In January, Britain's General Medical Council found that the Wakefield report was dishonest and misleading.

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韦克菲尔德指出,这项计划“同电力研究所以及电力行业的其他多项努力相辅相成,例如电力研究所的智能电网项目和能源部的智能电网演示计划。The effort, Wakefield said, “coordinates with many other efforts at EPRI, like EPRI’s IntelliGrid, and in the industry, like DOE’s smart grid demonstration initiative.

1998年,科研人员安德鲁·维克费尔德在一篇论文中提出疫苗和儿童自闭症之间存在关联。这篇报告引发的疫苗恐惧一直持续到今天。A 1998 paper by scientist Andrew Wakefield reported a connection between vaccinations and autism in children. The report set off a vaccination scare that lasts to this day.

大多数科学家都对Wakefield的研究持怀疑态度,2002年发表在新英格兰医学杂志的调查结果最终肯定了他们的怀疑。Most scientists were skeptical of the Wakefield study, and their skepticism was borne out by the results of an investigation published in 2002 in the New England Journal of Medicine.

另一个他们提供的证据是维克菲尔德博士和他的同事发现患孤独症的儿童的大肠里有很多麻疹病毒活动。One piece of evidence Dr. Wakefield and his colleagues offered was the finding that autistic children with intestinal disorders had high levels of measles viruses in their intestines.

该效应在脉冲积分近似下,等价于在消色差系统中央平面上对束团施加一个附加的纵向和横向动量增量。The wakefield effects induced by the front particle, using impulse approximation, are equivalent to additional momentum increases of the tail particle at the midplane of achromatic system.

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所以,让我们来看看,正确的答案是什么,事实上,答案是,因为粒子运动的快慢,与它的波长之间是一个反比例关系。So, let's see what the correct answer is, Wakefield and it is, in fact, Wakefield, right, because there's an inverse relationship between how fast a particle is going and what its wavelength is.

推得了包括束流尾场引起的束流纵向和横向位移在内的束流纵向和横向传输表达式,藉以考察束流尾场效应对消色差系统的影响。The transport formulae taking account of the transverse displacement and longitudinal displacement caused by the wakefield effects have been derived for studying the effects in achromatic system.